Know the Goal and Your Role
Define IT Teach IT Live IT Look for IT Talk IT Reward IT
Define IT… Start with a purpose Who we are Why we are here Who we serve Define IT…
Mission Statement: “To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without barriers”
“Our ‘who we are’ caring, high standards, making a difference, respect and empowerment”
“We save people money, so they can Live Better”
Teach IT… Common language Easily understood Alignment throughout the organization Tangible & be a living thing Teach IT…
“We are perfectionist, idealist inventors “We are perfectionist, idealist inventors. Forever tinkering with products and process, always on the look out for better”
1. Respect for the individual 2. Service to the customer 3 1. Respect for the individual 2. Service to the customer 3. Strive for excellence 4. Integrity in all we do
Leadership reflects values to internal & external customers Lead by example Be a servant leader Leadership reflects values to internal & external customers Get your hands dirty Live IT…
Identify cultural ambassadors Early adopters Live & breathe culture Shine & grow Look for IT…
Fresh Fast Friendly
Integrity & leadership Over communicate Front & center Bring it to life Integrity & leadership Talk IT…
Reward IT… Treat people right Listen with curiosity Humble leader Show the way Respect & dignity Reward IT…
Define IT Teach IT Live IT Look for IT Talk IT Reward IT
Know the Goal and Your Role