Interactive Notebook This is where you will keep almost everything for this class. After the midterm, you will start a new notebook. Let’s set it up! You will need a pen for the set up… You may also use colored pencils
Interactive Notebook Setup Your notebook with have 3 main parts: Table of Contents Assignments section Glossary section Once we set this up, you must use your notebook ONLY for this class!
Numbering From the first to the third page… Label the top outer corner: i (first page) ii (second) iii (third) iv (fourth) v (fifth)
Numbering At the top outer corner on the sixth page (should be on the left) Number the left page “1x” Number the right page “1y” Number all the following pages with consecutive numbers: “2x, 2y” “3x, 3y” “4x, 4y”… Go until you reach the end!
Title Page On the very first page, in the center, write: Your Class Title Interactive Notebook #1 At the bottom right of the page, write: Your Name Your Period “Ms. Harner, Room T-42“
Table of Contents On pages labeled iii, iv and v: Draw 2 vertical lines at each margin Label each page: Page Assignment Date At the top of each page write (as creatively as you like) “Table of Contents”
Glossary On the last 3 pages… Draw a vertical line one inch in from the left margin Draw a vertical line in the middle of the right space Label each page: Term Definition Connection
Dedication You are going to dedicate your notebook to someone. Think of a mentor, someone who makes you want to try harder and do better. Is it a relative? A teacher? A friend? Think about why they inspire you and make you want to succeed.
Dedication – Page ii Four lines down from the top, write: “Dedicated to [Your Mentor’s Name],” On the next line, write them a message about how they inspire you!
Decorate If you like, use colored pencils to decorate your title page, dedication page and your titles (Table of Contents, Glossary)