Eric Nelson and Kaitlyn Jones Forms and documentation: What to use, when to use it and what to upload Eric Nelson and Kaitlyn Jones
Contracts, Purchasing, and Risk Management Forms
Where can we find them. nau. edu/Purchasing https://in. nau
Pcard Forms
Approver Agreement Used for designated NAU PCard Approvers Required Training ePass
Change/Exception Request Form Purchases that exceed $5,000 Include quote, required approvals and any additional backup documentation with the request Cancel/close an account Include cardholders name Change/update University billing address or standard transaction limits
Notification of Violation Issued for the following reasons Personal Purchase Restricted Commodity Improper Card use by Others Split Transactions Not Approved by Deadline Not Verified by Deadline Other
Purchasing Card Application New Pcard Holders Program Code All necessary signatures
Purchasing Forms
Vendor Authorization
Foreign Vendor Form
Vendor Process Get the Vendor Registration form from our website Fill it out in its entirety Submit to Receive a vendor ID number Currently about 20,000 vendors
Accounts Payable Forms
Check Request Form Does not need to be a registered vendor One time payments If grants, two signatures are required No intercampus mailing
Guest Speaker/Performer
Honorarium/Allowance Request Form Use for honorariums and must be under $100.00 Registered vendor
Accounts Payable Process Submit copy of invoice with receiver number to If any special handling instructions please put “High Importance” and state circumstances in the subject line Email subject line: “Vendor Name, Amount, Receiver number” Individual emails and receivers for each invoice Process about 4,000 invoices a month
Introduction - OnBase OnBase is the tool that the University uses to electronically store many different types of documents, including PCard Transaction Documentation. It is an electronic system that interacts with multiple systems to provide document storage functionality allowing for efficient access to documents A detailed guide for uploading documentation for PCard transactions can be found on the following website: NOTE: Please be aware that the Pcard reconciliation process can vary from department to department. Some of what may be covered may not apply to you.
Types of documentation to upload At a minimum, upload: Receipt Invoice (if applicable) Business Food/Meal Purchase Authorization (If Applicable) Other Documentation: Proof of Delivery (Highly Recommended) Approvals Other documentation that supports the expense
The Basics – Uploading documentation Scan the documentation for each transaction separately Save files on your computer or other accessible network location (i.e. Bonsai) Navigate to the appropriate transaction in PeopleSoft Financials Click on the “Public Purpose” link Click on the “Documentation” link This will open OnBase. If no new window opens, check your popup blocker. If nothing has been uploaded for the transaction, OnBase will say “No Folder Found” Click the Arrow at the top of the window to go to the upload screen
Uploading documentation Continued On the left side of the upload screen, click “browse” or “choose file” (varies by browser) to locate the file for this transaction. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the files from you computer to the Import window. You can drag multiple files at a time (up to 5) Select the file and click “Open” This will take you back to the upload page and you will see the file selected, the file format updated, and a preview of the document. No other configuration is required. The document you selected has been queued up, awaiting upload. You can queue up to 5 documents at a time To upload, select the appropriate document in the queue, view the preview to be sure it matches and then click “Import” on the bottom left of the screen A message indicating “Import Succeeded” will appear next to the document in the queue Repeat for each remaining document in the queue
Count of Uploaded Documentation On the main “Reconcile Statement” page, there is a column called “OnBase Count” that lists how many documents have been uploaded for each transaction.
Viewing Uploaded Documentation FROM ONBASE UPLOAD SCREEN: Click the folder icon in the upper left of the window. FROM PEOPLESOFT FINANCIALS: Click “Documentation” button on the “Public Purpose” screen OR, click the number in the “OnBase Count” column from the main “Reconcile Statement” page.
Deleting documentation End-Users do not have the ability to delete To delete a document, please send an email to with the following information and we can delete the document centrally: Transaction Number Merchant Amount Transaction Date Document Upload Date Important! You do not have to wait for the wrong documentation to be deleted in order to upload the correct documentation. It is important to upload the correct documentation as soon as possible.
Tips I’m in OnBase on the upload screen, how do I know I’m uploading documents for the right transaction? Look at the keywords located on the left side of the screen: last 4 digits of card, cardholder name, merchant, transaction amount, etc Compare the keywords in OnBase to the documents to be sure they match I received additional supporting documentation after the transaction is closed, can I add documentation? You can go back and upload documentation at any point, even if the transaction is closed. Simply select “Closed” for statement status from the “Reconcile Statement Search” page Do I need to name the file in a specific way before I upload it? NO! When a document is uploaded into OnBase, it receives a new name automatically that helps to identify what transaction it is for. It is currently structured as: PCARD – Transaction Documentation – MERCHANT – TRANSACTION DATE – BILLING AMOUNT – Uploaded DATE PCARD – Transaction Documentation – AMAZON.COM – 10/17/14 - $42.88 – Uploaded 10/24/2014
Tips Continued Do I have to wait until the end of the month to upload documents? NO! With transactions being loaded daily into PeopleSoft Financials, the reconciliation should no longer be a process you complete at the end of each month. Instead, transactions can be verified, approved, and documents uploaded on a continuous basis. This will help alleviate the workload that has to be done at the end of the month What do I do with the original document after I have uploaded it? Once uploaded, you can destroy the original document It is important to verify that you can view the documentation for the transaction in OnBase prior to destroying the original Keep in mind that if you have to return an item, some merchants may require the original receipt
Scanning tips Be sure to scan documents for each transaction separately. If you have multiple documents for one transaction, those can be scanned as 1 document. Scan documents in the order of your transaction list in PeopleSoft Financials. This way, if your scanner uses a sequential naming convention, the documents will be in the same order. This will make it easier to select the right document for upload. Some departments have found it useful to rename the file in such a way that it makes identifying which transaction it pertains to easier, without having to open it. Many use Konica Minolta multi-function machines: If you have a keyboard attached to your Konica Minolta it will make it easier to name the file as you scan. Keep in mind that the file name changes once it is uploaded into OnBase, so only change the name if it is helpful while uploading.
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