2019 APS New Charter School Application Cycle Office of Autonomous Schools Aurora Public Schools February 22, 2019
Office of Autonomous Schools Executive Director APS Superintendent Office of Autonomous Schools Executive Director Action Zone Charter School Office Director of Instruction & Leadership Development Manager of Charter School Support & Accountability Director of Charter Schools Director of Strategy & Innovation Director of Community Schools, Family Advocacy & Community Engagement
The Current APS Charter Landscape Academy of Advanced Learning K-8 Aurora Academy Charter School Aurora Expeditionary Learning (AXL) Academy PK-8 Global Village Academy - East Campus K-3 Global Village Academy - West Campus 4-8 Lotus School for Excellence K-12 Rocky Mountain Prep - Fletcher PK-5 Vanguard Classical School - East Campus Vanguard Classical School - West Campus Vega Collegiate Academy Year Zero Schools Grades serving in 19-20 Aurora Community School K-2, 6th Aurora Science and Tech 6th Empower Community High School 9th Percentage (%) of Students in APS attending Charters 16.5%
2019 Cycle Overview Aurora Public Schools’ (APS) charter school application process has made several improvements over the years to ensure it upholds a transparent, rigorous, and equitable standards to ensure it produces autonomous schools that adequately serve the needs of our community. The unique dynamics of Aurora, CO require a unique process in evaluating charter schools. The Office of Autonomous Schools (OAS) has developed the process according to nationally recognized best practices and ensure its integrity remains at high standards. The Board of Education will make a decision on complete charter applications during their Board Meeting in May/June. The Board will consider the OAS’ evaluation which is determined through a rigorous process involving a diverse reviewer pool composed of different stakeholders, capacity interview, and follow-up questions. The Superintendent will also provide his assessment of the likelihood that the school will be able to open on the identified time-frame and sustain operations.
Applicable Law, Policy & Best Practice Colorado State Statute - Charter Application Process APS Charter Policy NACSA Application Process & Review
2019 Cycle Timeline OAS New Charter School Applicant Orientation Required. Learn about APS processes and timelines around new charter school applications and what’s expected. Prior to Submission APS Current Context & Landscape Required. Learn about location of existing and approved schools, school capacity, enrollment data, demographics and school performance data. Prior to Submission Letter of Intent Charter School Applicants submit letter of intent to apply 30 days prior to the application due date. February 6, 2019 Application Deadline All applications will be formally accepted only on March 8, 2019. Applications may be submitted to the district during the week prior to March 8, but will not be formally accepted until March 8. March 8, 2019 Applicant Presentation to DAAC Applicant presents at the DAAC Meeting. Specific time/additional detail will be provided. April 15, 2019 Applicant Presentation & Interview with IART/CSAC Applicant to present to IART/CSAC followed by applicant interview. May 1, 2019
APS Board Meetings APS Board Meeting - Informational Applicant presents to APS Board of Education. Application decision components are presented by APS staff to APS Board. June 4, 2019 APS Board Meeting - Ruling BOE rules by resolution on the charter application for a charter school in a public hearing. June 18, 2019
Who are the application reviewers? OAS IART DAAC CSAC The Office of Autonomous Schools performs the initial review for application completeness and is responsible for compiling final reviews. The Internal Application Review Team consists of various APS District content experts. These team members provide in-depth reviews within their areas of specialty. The District Accountability Advisory Committee is made up of community members and elected volunteers from outside APS and provide valuable insight into all areas of the application. The Charter School Advisory Committee was created in 2017 as a way to incorporate current APS charter and traditional school leaders in the review process as well as other external subject area experts.
Information Presented to APS Board of Education Based on application scores and feedback through evaluations and capacity interviews. Applicant’s Impact Statement and research will also be highlighted. Quality of Application Superintendent’s assessment of the school’s likelihood of being able to open and sustain operations. Superintendent’s Assessment Statements indicating the likely impact of opening charter schools on: -Enrollment -Budget -District Support Staffing needed to support additional charter schools -Whether the application is proposing to offer an academic program that is new or different than other schools in the district or region. District Impact Statement Same information presented to applicants regarding: -Locations of existing and approved schools -School capacity information -Enrollment data -Demographic Data -School Performance data APS Context & Landscape
Rubric Exceeds Criteria: The response reflects a thorough understanding of key issues and fully meets or exceeds these criteria. It addresses the topic with specific and accurate information that shows thorough preparation; presents a clear, realistic picture of how the school expects to operate; and inspires confidence in the applicant’s capacity to carry out the plan effectively. Examples or evidence are provided for all appropriate sections. Adequately Addresses Criteria: The response adequately addresses or meets an appropriate level of expectation for these criteria. Examples or evidence are provided for all appropriate sections if available. If examples or evidence are unavailable, a timeline to include or submit this information is stated in the application. Partially Addresses Criteria: The response adequately addresses or meets an appropriate level of expectation for these criteria. Examples or evidence are provided for all appropriate sections if available. If examples or evidence are unavailable, a timeline to include or submit this information is stated in the application. Does Not Address Criteria: The response is wholly undeveloped or significantly incomplete; demonstrates lack of preparation; or otherwise raises substantial concerns about the viability of the plan or the applicant’s ability to carry it out. No examples or evidence are provided.
Reviewer Comments
Individual Reviewer Scoring
Overall Final Scoring Reviewer View OAS View
Presentations & Interviews The applicant will present 3 times during the course of the application cycle: DAAC (45 min, 15 min Q&A) IART/CSAC (60 min) BOE (5-10 min) Interviews will take place following the presentation to IART/CSAC (90 min) Presentations & Interviews
Reviewer Timeline & Obligations
Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Form
Section Assignment
A. Executive Summary B. Vision & Mission Statements C. Goals, Objectives & Pupil Performance Standards* D. Educational Program & Standards* E. Serving Exceptional and Educationally Disadvantaged Students* F. Student Discipline, Expulsion, or Suspension G. Plan for Evaluating Pupil Performance* H. Enrollment Policy and Outreach I. Governance* J. Evidence of Support* K. Parent & Community Involvement L. Budget & Finance* M. Facilities N.1. Transportation N.2. Food Service P. Insurance Coverage Q. Dispute Resolution Process R. Waivers S. School Management Contracts
Application Walkthrough
Important Reminders... ASK when you don’t know. USE the application standards. ASK when you don’t know. Use FACTS, not FEELINGS. YOUR review makes a difference. Speak for your COMMUNITY. Review through a FAIR and EQUITABLE lens. Animations!!!
Please stay if: You don’t have a Charter.Tools reviewer account You want to set up additional training with Paige You need general assistance with Charter.Tools