Review Unit 7 (Chp 5,8,19): Thermodynamics (∆Ho, ∆So, ∆Go, K) Chemistry, The Central Science, 10th edition Theodore L. Brown; H. Eugene LeMay, Jr.; and Bruce E. Bursten Review Unit 7 (Chp 5,8,19): Thermodynamics (∆Ho, ∆So, ∆Go, K) John D. Bookstaver St. Charles Community College St. Peters, MO 2006, Prentice Hall, Inc.
Changes in Internal Energy Energy is transferred between the system and surroundings, as either heat (q) or work (w). E = q + w E = ? E = (–) + (+) Surroundings E = + System q in (+) q out (–) E = q + w w on (+) w by (–)
+ = Energy (E) Enthalpy (H) (kJ) Entropy (S) (J/K) Free Energy (G) (kJ) ΔH = ΔE + PΔV internal work by energy system (KE + PE) (–w) (disorder) microstates –T∆Suniv as: ΔHsys & ΔSsys at a T dispersal of matter & energy at T max work done by favorable rxn ΔE = q + w PΔV = –w (at constant P) K > 1 means –∆Gsys & +∆Suniv ∆Suniv = + ΔH = q (heat) ΔS = ΔH T ΔG = ΔH – TΔS sys sys –T∆Suniv
Big Idea #5: Thermodynamics Bonds break and form to lower free energy (∆G). Systems are driven by a decrease in G (–∆G) by: a decrease in enthalpy (–∆H), or an increase in entropy (+∆S), or both.
Chp. 5,8: Calculate ∆H (4 Ways) 1) Bond Energies Hrxn = (BEreactants) (BEproducts) 2) Hess’s Law Hoverall = Hrxn1 + Hrxn2 + Hrxn3 … 3) Standard Heats of Formation (Hf ) H = nHf(products) – nHf(reactants) 4) Calorimetry (lab) q = mc∆T (surroundings or thermometer) –q = ∆H ∆H/mol = kJ/mol (molar enthalpy) (NOT given) (+ broken) (– formed) (NOT given) (given) (given)
Entropy (S) (Molecular Scale) S : dispersal of matter & energy at T S(s) < S(l) < S(aq) < S(g) (s) + (l) (aq) +∆S (dispersal) gas solid T more microstates Temperature Volume Particle mixing Particle number Particle size V H2O(g) H2O(g) So = So(products) – So(reactants) (given)
Thermodynamically Favorable Chemical and physical processes are driven by: decrease in enthalpy (–∆Hsys) increase in entropy (+∆Ssys) causes (+∆Ssurr) (+) (+) Suniv = Ssystem + Ssurroundings > 0 Thermodynamically Favorable: (defined as) increasing entropy of the universe (∆Suniv > 0) ∆Suniv > 0 (+Entropy of the Universe)
(∆Suniv) ↔ (∆Gsys) Hsystem For all thermodynamically favorable reactions: Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings > 0 (Boltzmann) Hsystem T Suniverse = Ssystem + (Clausius) multiplying each term by T: –TSuniverse = –TSsystem + Hsystem rearrange terms: –TSuniverse = Hsystem – TSsystem Gsystem = Hsystem – TSsystem (Gibbs free energy equation)
(∆Suniv) & (∆Gsys) –TSuniv = Hsys – TSsys Gsys = Hsys – TSsys (Gibbs free energy equation) Gibbs defined TDSuniv as the change in free energy of a system (Gsys) or G. Free Energy (G) is more useful than Suniv b/c all terms focus on the system. If –Gsys , then +Suniverse . Therefore… –G is thermodynamically favorable. “Bonds break & form to lower free energy (∆G).”
Standard Free Energy (∆Go) and Temperature (T) (on equation sheet) (consists of 2 terms) DG = DH – TS free energy (kJ/mol) enthalpy term (kJ/mol) entropy term (J/mol∙K) units convert to kJ!!! max energy used for work energy transferred as heat energy dispersed as disorder The temperature dependence of free energy comes from the entropy term (–TS).
Standard Free Energy (∆Go) and Temperature (T) DG = DH TS Thermodynamic Favorability ∆Go = (∆Ho) ∆So – T( ) ( ) –T( ) (high T) – (low T) + (fav. at high T) (unfav. at low T) + + = ( ) – T ( ) + + – (unfav. at ALL T) + = ( ) – T( ) + (fav. at ALL T) – = ( ) – T( ) – + (high T) + (low T) – ( ) –T( ) (unfav. at high T) (fav. at low T) – – = ( ) – T ( ) – –
Calculating ∆Go (4 ways) Standard free energies of formation, Gf : Gibbs Free Energy equation: From K value (next few slides) From voltage, Eo (next Unit) DG = SG(products) – SG(reactants) f (given equation) DG = DH – TS (given equation) (may need to calc. ∆Ho & ∆So first) (given equation) (given equation)
Free Energy (∆G) & Equilibrium (K) G = –RT ln K (on equation sheet) If G in kJ, then R in kJ……… R = 8.314 J∙mol–1∙K–1 = 0.008314 kJ∙mol–1∙K–1 –∆Go RT = ln K –∆Go RT Solved for K : (NOT on equation sheet) K = e^
Free Energy (∆G) & Equilibrium (K) G = –RT ln K ∆Go = –RT(ln K) K @ Equilibrium – + = –RT ( ) > 1 product favored (favorable forward) + – = –RT ( ) < 1 reactant favored (unfavorable forward)