GRADUATE COUNCIL February 17, 2016
Agenda Welcome Approval of Minutes of GC Meeting of December 10, 2015 Updates Faculty GOA Policy Oversight Committee Doctor of Professional Studies Degrees Spring 2016 Initiatives Report and Discussion Graduate Certificates (Sprinkle and Working Group)
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES GC Meeting of December 10, 2015
GOA Policy Oversight Committee Purpose Ensure faculty oversight for GOA Periodically review GOA policies and practices Members Ryan Long, ARHU Jeffrey Lucas, BSOS Oded Rabin, ENGR
Doctorate of Professional Studies Plan Table generic DPS proposal Proceed immediately with ELIO proposal Develop guidelines following ELIO approval Current Status iSchool postponing discussion of ELIO until summer President and Provost notified
Graduate Council Working Groups Graduate Certificates, February 17 Fellowship Allocation, March 23 RA/PI Agreements, April 27 Give dates after each
Graduate Writing Initiatives GS Writing Center Graduate Writing Fellows Graduate Student Writing Workshops Writing Boot Camps (Spring Break, April 30 - May 1) Dissertation Retreats (May and July) Graduate Faculty Writing Workshops Week-long writing boot camp over spring break; weekend version in April Dissertation retreats in late May (after classes end) and in July
Graduate Diversity Initiatives OGDI Spring 2016 Speaker Series Feb. 10 – April 28 GS Conversations on Diversity Feb. 18 and April 11 PROMISE Events Research Symposium and Prof. Development Workshop (Feb. 12) Summer Success Institute (Aug. 12 – 13, 2016)
International Initiatives UMD and U21 3MT Competition March/April National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education—GOA and DOA March 11, University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin GS International Forum: Anil Gupta, Emerging Markets in China and India April 12 U21 DDoGS Workshop and DDoGS/VP Research Meetings May 2-4
Professional Development and Multiple Career Paths Search in Progress: Coordinator for Professional Development Programs and Multiple Career Paths Program in Progress: One Degree, Many Options: Multiple Career Paths for Doctoral Students Forum on Opportunities in Public Sector, Private Industry, and Higher Education (February 16) Workshops in each of the three areas (February 22, 29, March 7)
V. REPORT AND DISCUSSION Graduate Certificates