St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 29 April 2016 Message from Mrs Tyler Congratulations to our tennis team (Christian M-S, Daniel, Thomas B, Nina and Hannah) who won the Camden Schools (North) tennis tournament yesterday. Not only did they all play brilliantly, they worked very well together as a team. They now go on to the finals, where they will play the winner of the Camden Schools (South) – St Aloysius Junior School. It will be a very short week next week with Bank Holiday on Monday and Election Day on Thursday. Looking ahead to the following week, we would like to encourage you to attend the Camden Learning Centre’s online safety parents’ talk to be held at school on Thursday 12th May (9-10am). Your child may only just be discovering computers and tablets, whilst some of our older children will be using certain trusted websites and apps and maybe beginning to use social networking sites. Technology can be a great way for children to learn, explore and have fun, but they do also face risks like online bullying or seeing content that is inappropriate. The talk will give you advice about how you can best keep your child safe online, hopefully before they start to face these risks. Following the parents’ talk, the Camden Learning Centre will work with KS1 on keeping safe online and KS2 on social media and online bullying. Finally, thank you to Michelle and all those parents who donated to and helped with the ‘table top sale’ last Friday. £163 was raised by the PFA, which will be put towards staging for our school performances. KS2 Certificate of Merit Year 3 Zephyr for contributing to class discussions. Year 4 Lawrence for a mature attitude to his work. KS2 Maths Mascot Christian MS for some great reasoning whilst playing dominoes. Reception Class Golden Book Scarlett for a huge improvement in her writing. Ervis for trying his best in everything. Maths Monkey Lucas J for counting past 1000 in 2s. KS1 Class Golden Book Eado for thinking outside the box. Kiana for her imagination in her writing. Maths Monkey Aviv for doubling numbers. At Parliament Hill Track on Sunday 1st May 2016 12-2pm. Future dates: 5th June, 3rd July, 4th Sept, 2nd Oct, 6th Nov, all 12-2pm. August tbc. QuadKids is the England Athletics endorsed athletics format for children of all abilities, it is quick, fun and a great way to measure progress over time. This event is run by qualified coaches and is perfect for children aged from 5 - 12. Entry £2, inc. certificate and refreshments. No pre-registration necessary, just turn up on the day from half an hour before the event starts. For further details email Graham Norris News from Reception This week we have been learning how to make bread using the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children have learned about wheat and how it can be made into flour and have been looking at bread recipes to find out which ingredients are needed. On Friday we spent most of the day measuring and mixing the ingredients, kneading the bread, proving it in a warm place and then baking it. The children were most excited to see how much the bread had risen during the proving! When the bread rolls had cooled the children then made cheese and salad sandwiches - which they then really enjoyed eating! They learned how to safely use a knife to cut the salad and we talked about making healthy food choices. Please note that reading and PE days have been swapped. Reading books will now be changed on Tuesdays & Fridays. PE will now be on Mondays & Thursdays.
2015-16 and 2016-17 term dates are on the school website. News from KS1 The children have been focusing this week in English on editing their work. We have been identifying missing punctuation, capital letters and thinking of ways to improve our writing. In Maths, Year 2 have been solving mathematical problems, using all the skills they have learned throughout the year. Year 1 meanwhile have been solving addition problems, using double numbers and number bonds. We have been focusing on applying the knowledge we have learned to help us find the answers. In PE we have been building up our stamina for running. The children all ran for 5 minutes, trying not to stop. We were most impressed with the children’s perseverance and determination not to give up. Thank you for all your support with homework. Every week we will have a Maths and English sheet linked to the work we have been doing in class. Also, we would like the children to practise their joined up writing. In your homework book please practise the spelling words in joined up writing. Look in your children’s bag for a handwriting sheet. Thank you. News from KS2 We have had another varied and interesting week in KS2. The children have continued to learn about explanation texts with Mr Bravesmith in English lessons and have started to use and apply their knowledge of this genre with writing about Viking longboats. In Maths the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play dominoes. The amount of mathematical language and reasoning skills the children have used from a simple game is phenomenal. Therefore, next Friday at 3:10pm I would like to invite you to come to class so I can show you how you can use games like dominoes to increase your child’s vocabulary and Maths reasoning. We had another enjoyable afternoon on Hampstead Heath this Tuesday where the children created some amazing pieces of natural art. Dates for Diary (Spring term) 2015-16 and 2016-17 term dates are on the school website.