class news Miss Sherrod’s and Mrs. Spruill’s Week of: January 28 – FEB. 1 , 2019 Note from the teacher… IF STUDENTS ARE ABSENT, PLEASE BRING IN AN EXCUSE WHEN STUDENT RETURNS TO SCHOOL FEB. 14TH – ValentinE’S Day – WE WILL HAVE A CARD EXCHANGE AND A SPECIAL SNACK. STUDENTS WIL NEED TO BRING IN AN VALENTINE BOX AND CARDS. WE WILL SEND OUT A CLASS LIST. CLASS WISH LIST ENVELOPES WATER CUPS PLASTIC FOOD CONTAINERS What’s Happening in... Our theme this week`is ZOO ANIMALS We will read goodnight gorilla and will sort out different sizes of eyes that would be for zoo animals. We will create our zoo animal puppets. We will graph our favorite zoo animal. Mackenzie the monkey Makes meatballs to munch on. Thank You, Miss Sherrod SherrRa@BOE.Richmond.K12.Ga.US