**1. Who won the Civil War? North (USA)? or South (CSA)? ? The delegates at the Secession Convention (meeting on plans to leave the USA) were in favor of Texas leaving the Union because **1. Who won the Civil War? North (USA)? or South (CSA)? ?
1. North (USA)
**2. The rights of crime victims such as the rights: to notification of court proceedings, to be present at the proceedings, to confer with prosecutor, to restitution, and right to information, etc. are found where in the Constitution?
2. Article I, Section 30b
*3. States’ Rights contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War because?
3. Seceding (leaving the USA) States believed the federal government should not intervene (get involved) in state decisions.
This Confederate General commanded forces in Galveston, Texas, who were victorious in attacking Federal or Union forces (Jan. 1, 1863)? This Confederate General commanded forces in Galveston, Texas, who were victorious in attacking Federal or Union forces (Jan. 1, 1863)? **4. This Confederate General commanded forces in Galveston, Texas, who were victorious in attacking Federal or Union forces (Jan. 1, 1863)?
4. John Magruder
Which Texas holiday celebrates the freedom of slaves as announced by the US Army on June 19, 1865 (from Headquarters, Galveston) *5. Which Texas holiday celebrates the freedom of slaves as announced by the US Army on June 19, 1865 (from Headquarters, Galveston) ?
5. Juneteenth
*6. How did communications systems during the Civil War influence Texas? ?
6. Slow communications allowed for continued fighting and delayed the emancipation (freedom) of enslaved people for weeks after the end of the war.
**7. The delegates at the Secession Convention (meeting on plans to leave the USA) were in favor of Texas leaving the Union because ?
7. They considered slavery vital to the economy (cotton, business, labor, etc.)
*8. How does the judicial branch (both the Texas Supreme Court and US Supreme Court) check (limit or control) the power of the legislature?
8. The Judiciary Branch (Judges) can declare a law unconstitutional
***9. What was the effect of Sam Houston’s refusal to swear an oath to the Confederacy??
9. He was removed as governor
*10. A headline (top line in a newspaper) that best describes Texas during the American Civil War?
10. Citizens Divided on the Issue of Slavery
*11. What year did Texas join the Confederacy?
11. 1861
**12. How did the Civil War affect population growth in Texas??
12. Population growth will slow during the war, but increased rapidly in the decades after the war .
*13. Who is this person? Confederate General, 19th Governor of Texas, and Texas A&M University President ?
13. Lawrence Sullivan “Sul” Ross
*14. Why did Texas increase production of corn and wheat during the Civil War??
14. Needed to feed soldiers and this increased the demand for these products
*15. Following the Civil War most former enslaved African Americans in Texas began making a living as ? .
15. Sharecroppers- farming, caring for the animals, harvesting, etc 15. Sharecroppers- farming, caring for the animals, harvesting, etc.,—usually for a share of the crop produced. No longer a slave.
***16. What famous battle happened at a small crossroads town in Pennsylvania and would turn into one of the largest battles ever fought in the Western Hemisphere?
16. Gettysburg
*17. The battle that was fought along the Rio Grande river after the surrender of the Confederacy? (last military conflict)?
17. Battle of Palmito Ranch
*18 Democratic principle reflected by Article II, Section 1, (1876) Constitution that divides (separates) the government into: Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches??
18. Separation (distinct, division) of powers
? *19. Which taxes help fund the state and local governments in Texas?
19. Property and sales taxes
* 20. Which level or form of government usually has major responsibilities such as: providing police and fire protection, emergency medical services, sewer and water lines, health & safety inspections of structures, etc. ?
20. City government
*21. Article I, Section 6 of the Texas Constitution guarantees what freedom? ?
21. Freedom of Religion
*22. How did Article VI, Section 2 of the Texas Constitution (1876) expand voting rights in Texas after the Civil War?
22. All men, regardless of race, were allowed to vote
*23. Democratic principle of the Texas Constitution that reflects the will of the people?
23. Popular sovereignty
***24. On April 9, 1865, what famous Confederate General surrendered to General U.S. Grant at Appomattox, Virginia?
24. Robert E. Lee
*25. How did the Civil War impact cotton production in Texas
25. Production declined during the war, but increased sharply in the decades that followed (after) the war.
**26. Name of the person who shot and killed President Lincoln on April 14, 1865?
26. John Wilkes Booth –escaped & tracked into Virginia & killed
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