Changes to your programme BA French & Spanish 2017/18-entry Year Group Event 01 December 2018
Students/you asked for a modern curriculum with skills for future careers and further study more choice, more coursework, fewer exams, even spread of work greater equivalence between assessment for different languages more contact hours and better learning support Proposed changes to your programme provide contemporary curriculum with explicit representation of transferable skills more choice, more coursework, fewer exams, reduction in assessment split mid/end terms, parity of assessment load between similar modules Year Abroad achievement assessed back here in Leicester and different languages assessed in the same way increased contact hours per credit and better student support
The new Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Language A Module* (30 credits) Language B Module* (30 credits) Cultural Studies Module (15 credits) Total Credits: 120
Year 2 modules Language Modules (30credits) FR2020 Second Year Modern French Language (Post-Advanced) ¾ FR2018 French Language Post-Beginners Year 2 SP2005 Post-beginners Spanish language SP2010 Post-Advanced Spanish Language Indicative Cultural Studies Modules (15 credits) FR2032 Introduction to French Linguistics FR2042 Challenging Perspectives: Conflict and Relations in French Culture FR2044 Bande Dessinee FR2045 Media and Cultural Practices in France FR2046 French Urban Space FR2047 History and Memory in French Literature SP2022 The Mexican-US Border SP2023 The Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film SP2025 Argentina: From Perón to Kirchner SP2030 Federico Garcia Lorca SP2035 Contemporary Mexican Cinema SP2037 Hispanic Documentary Film SP2070 Latino/a Literature & Culture in the United States ML2020 The Latin World: Ancient, Medieval and Modern ML2021 Nations and Narrations ML2022 Languages in the Classroom
Year 2: so what’s new? What’s different? thoroughly refreshed curriculum based upon student feedback increased contact hours assessment by 2 elements per module – at mid- and end-term points ANY CHANGES TO CORE MODULES HERE ANY CHANGES TO DEGREE OF OPTIONALITY HERE How does that benefit and impact me? more choice and increased transferable skills development & articulation clear blocks of content; reduced and distributed assessment- and work-load increased contact and support IMPACT/BENEFIT OF CHANGES TO CORE/OPTIONALITY HERE
The new Year 3 Abroad Semester 1 Semester 2 Study/Work Abroad module (15 credits) Language Skills module* (45 credits) Total Credits: 120 Assessment in each language: evidence of marks in at least 15 University credits (ECTS/equivalent) OR submission of Trainee Certificate AND Oral Assessment (*FR3111/SP3010) * the marks for your Year 3 Abroad Language Skills module/s are those achieve in your final year language module (FR3111/SP3010)
The Year 3 Abroad: so what’s new? What’s different? language assessment occurs back in Leicester, year 4 semester 1, instead of relying on marks awarded by the host institution all languages assessed in the same way How does that benefit and impact me? fairness and transparency of marking and marks awarded better perception of your relative skill level
The new Year 4 Semester 1 Semester 2 Language A Module* (30 credits) Language B Module* (30 credits) Cultural Studies Module (15 credits) Total Credits: 120 * the marks for your Year 3 Abroad Language Skills module/s are those achieve in your final year language modules (FR3111/SP3010)
Language Modules (30credits) Cultural Studies Modules (15 credits) Year 4 modules Language Modules (30credits) FR3111 Final Year French Language (30cr) SP3010 Final Year Spanish Language (30cr) Cultural Studies Modules (15 credits) FR3051 Bilingual Writing and Self Translation: Literature in a Cross-Cultural Perspective FR3125 Immigration and Ethnicity in Colonial and Post-Colonial France FR3140 Norms and Margins in French Cinema FR3202 Interpreting French FR3206 Narratives of Self in Literature and Film FR3208 Gender and Power in Contemporary France SP3140 Cinematic Representations of Latin America: Local versus Global SP3155 Putumayo: the history and culture of a Latin American conflict zone SP3161 Gender in the Spanish American Development Novel: Selfhood & Society SP3162 Contemporary Women's Writing in Spain SP3182 Spanish Horror Cinema ML3176 Dissertation * the marks for your Year 3 Abroad Language Skills module/s are those achieve in your final year language modules (FR3111/SP3010)
Year 4: so what’s new? What’s different? thoroughly refreshed curriculum based upon student feedback language modules will be 30 credits across the year and YA language skills assessed in final year wide range of cultural studies options increased contact hours assessment by 2 elements per module – at mid- and end-term points ANY CHANGES TO CORE AND DEGREE OF OPTIONALITY HERE How does that benefit and impact me? more choice and increased transferable skills development & articulation parity across the languages for language skills contributory marks clear blocks of content; reduced and distributed assessment- and work-load increased contact and support IMPACT/BENEFIT OF CHANGES TO CORE/OPTIONALITY HERE
Assessment Changes (example) Current version Proposed changes Most cultural studies modules normally included: Assessed or non-assessed presentation 3,000 word essay 3 hour exam Most cultural studies modules will normally include: Assessed presentation 2,500 word essay normally
Increased Contact Hours Post-transformation increase in average contact hours per credit Programme Programme Increase in Ave Contact Hours per Credit* BA French and Spanish 22% * averaged across all modules on the programme Example Year 2 Cultural Studies modules Example Year 3 Cultural Studies modules Module Increase in Contact Hours per Credit FR2032 Introduction to French Linguistics 33% FR2042 Challenging Perspectives: Conflict and Relations in French Culture FR2044 Bande Dessinee SP2022 The Mexican-US Border 20% SP2023 The Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film SP2030 Federico Garcia Lorca Module Increase in Contact Hours per Credit FR3051 Bilingual Writing and Self Translation: Literature in a Cross-Cultural Perspective 33% FR3125 Immigration and Ethnicity in Colonial and Post-Colonial France FR3140 Norms and Margins in French Cinema FR3206 Narratives of Self in Literature and Film FR3208 Gender and Power in Contemporary France SP3161 Gender in the Spanish American Development Novel: Selfhood & Society SP3162 Contemporary Women's Writing in Spain 67%
So, just to reflect…
Students/you asked for a modern curriculum with skills for future careers and further study more choice, more coursework, fewer exams, even spread of work greater equivalence between assessment for different languages more contact hours and better learning support Proposed changes to your programme provide contemporary curriculum with explicit representation of transferable skills more choice, more coursework, fewer exams, reduction in assessment split mid/end terms, parity of assessment load between similar modules Year Abroad achievement assessed back here in Leicester and different languages assessed in the same way increased contact hours per credit and better student support
Questions & Answers over to you…
Next Steps Presentation available: PowerPoint & lecture capture on Blackboard Queries and concerns, raise them in person: persons’ names/roles here Follow-up email: reiterating what’s new from next year onwards to all of your year group, making certain you’re fully informed