Mutation and Recombination Non-random Random Natural Selection Genetic Drift Gene Flow Mutation and Recombination
NATURAL SELECTION- a process by which individuals have inherited beneficial adaptations and show differential reproductive success.
Natural Selection works on populations, NOT individuals!!!
Natural Selection- Survival of the fittest Based on 4 conditions: Variation – populations must exhibit phenotypic variability. Differences must exist between individuals. Some variations are favorable = adaptations Some variations are more favorable Some variations are less favorable.
Thought questions 1 and 2
Based on 4 conditions (Continued) Overproduction- More offspring are born than can survive
Based on 4 conditions (Continued) Heritability – parents must be able to pass traits to offspring
Thought question #3
Based on 4 conditions (Continued) Fitness –Organism’s ability to survive and reproduce relative to other organisms in a given environment. Differential reproductive success- some organisms reproduce better than others
Thought Question #4 & #5
How it works: Favorable traits are “selected for” Individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce Unfavorable traits are “selected against” Individuals with unfavorable traits are more likely to die off ex. Starve or be eaten by predators) and therefore will not reproduce.
Removal of unfavorable traits (alleles) and an increase in favorable traits (alleles) cause change in population over time = Evolution
Thought Question #6