Terry A. Ring Chemical Engineering University of Utah AIChE Contest Problem Terry A. Ring Chemical Engineering University of Utah
Project Reports/Memos
Prioritizing/Schedule Design Specifications This needs to get done ASAP AIChE will give you some You will need to fill in the blanks to get a complete Design Specification Design Concepts This needs to be a 1st Priority AIChE will give you only a basic outline of some design concepts You will need to flesh out a complete set Build Performance Models and Test Models Fitness for Service Done by Week 2 AIChE gives no information AIChE gives a list of references and allows you to use all you ChE courses/books and www to fill in for R&D Evaluate Economics and Select Design Done by Week 3 AIChE gives some economic information Detailed Design & Equipment Selection Done by Week 3 AIChE gives some information on potential equipment CAPEX, OPEX, Profitability Measures and Annual Cash Flows Done by Week 3.5 Report Writing Write up as parts are completed, Note Final Deadline! Tuesday 23 April 2019 Midnight
Recommendations-I Everyone Read the Problem Statement-ASAP Set Team Organizational Meeting in next few days (maybe later today) to Set Design Specifications Develop Design Concepts Write Planning Memo and Submit it Determine Who will be Responsible Write Notes for your meetings collecting To Dos – Who is responsible What is Deadline Send these notes out to team members right after meeting! Report to Prof. Ring Planning Memo –week 1 Due Friday Progress Memos –week 2&3 Due Friday Plan to meet as a team each week Set schedule for meetings Meeting Objectives Keep each other abreast of individual work progress Pass information from one team member to another Provide written Notes of meeting To Dos – Who is responsible What is Deadline Send these notes out to team members right after meeting! Develop progress report for Prof. Ring If someone can not meet – let team members know ahead of meeting , reschedule? or plan to catchup with each team member and read meeting notes
Planning Memo This memo is to be done as a group if you are doing the AIChE contest problem as a team or as an individual if you are doing the contest problems as an individual. The planning Memo and subsequent weekly progress report memos will constitute 5% of the class grade for this course. Develop a plan of attack for the AIChE Contest Problem. Put that plan into a memo format (see example Planning memo in Lectures section of Course Website) with a Gantt chart as the key deliverable in this memo.
Planning Memo – Due Friday 3/29 Introduction Paragraph The plan Paragraph of Plan overview Short Paragraph for each task Gantt Chart Sequential Order of Tasks Times Required for Each Task Conclusion Paragraph Task wk 1 wk 2 wk 3 wk 4 Design Research Reactor Kinetics x Aspen Simulation of Reactor Aspen Simulation of Separation System Heat Integration Plant-wide Control Plant Hazard Analysis and Chemical Safety Costing of Reactor Separation System Other Report Writing
Progress Report Memo This memo is to be done as a group if you are doing the AIChE contest problem as a group or as an individual if you are doing the contest problems as an individual. The planning memo and subsequent weekly progress report memos will constitute 5% of the class grade for this course. Provide weekly progress report memos (see example Progress Report memo in Lectures section of Course Website) with the same Gantt chart as the planning memo with progress and lack thereof noted. Any lack of progress needs to have statements to explain how you or your team will correct the situation and deliver the report on time.
Progress Report Memo Introduction Body Conclusion Give and Report on the Updated Old Gantt Chart State past progress and list what has been finished Discuss the progress since the last progress report. Explain any overdue problems Why they occurred Implication on project Efforts you will use to overcome problems Conclusion Give prognosis for total project Progress Report Memo 1 After 1st Week Task wk 1 wk 2 wk 3 wk 4 Design Research Reactor Kinetics 85% Aspen Simulation of Reactor 5% x Aspen Simulation of Separation System Heat Integration Plant-wide Control Plant Hazard Analysis and Chemical Safety 25% Costing of Reactor Separation System Other Report Writing
Progress Report Memo
1. Letter of Transmittal 2. Cover Page 3. Table of Contents 4. Abstract 5. Introduction 6. Process Flow Diagram and Material Balances 7. Process Description 8. Energy Balance and Utility Requirements 9. Equipment List and Unit Descriptions 10. Equipment Specification Sheets 11. Equipment Cost Summary 12. Fixed Capital Investment Summary 13. Safety, Health, and Environmental Considerations 14. Process Safety Considerations a. Inherently Safer Design b. Hazards Identification and Risk Analysis c. Siting and Layout of Processes and Equipment 15. Other Important Considerations 16. Manufacturing/Operation Costs (exclusive of Capital Requirements) 17. Economic Analysis 18. Conclusions and Recommendations 19. Acknowledgements 20. Bibliography 21. Appendix Project Report Format The body of the report must be suitable for reproduction, that is, computer-generated and in a printable format. Tables, supporting calculations and other appendix material may be handwritten. This report should follow the outline to the right. Further details on what should be included in the design report can be found in that text Seider, Seader and Lewin [Sieder, Ch 23. Write the document from the point of view of the organization’s engineer making a report and recommendation to their own organization management. The solution itself must bear no reference to the students’ names and institution by which it might be identified. Please expunge all such references to the degree possible. Final submission of solutions to AIChE must be in electronic format (PDF and MS-Word). The main text must be 125 pages or less, and an additional 100 page or less is allowed for supplementary material only. The final submission to AIChE must consist of no more than 2 electronic files.
Competition Rules Project Rules Departments, including advisors, faculty, or any other instructor, cannot provide technical aid specifically directed at the solution of the national student design competition. The problem may not be discussed with anyone (students, faculty, or others, in or out of class) before or during the period allowed for solutions.
Final Report & Grading This report is to be done as a group if you are doing the AIChE contest problem as a group or as an individual if you are doing the contest problems as an individual. The AIChE Contest Problem Report constitute 45% of the class grade for this course. Please follow the report outline provided in the AIChE Contest Problem Description. The contents of the various sections can be found in Sieder, et. al. Chapter 23. Grading Rubric Process Simulation 25% PFD/P&IDs 20% Reaction Route Process Control Process Safety PRVs, Process Safety System Alarm, Flare, etc. CAPEX/OPEX, etc 20% Environmental 10% Discharges Air Water Consequence/Hazard Analysis Report Quality 25% Total 100%
Team & Self Team Citizenship Rating Form
Contest Problem
Problem Overview
10 Page Problem Statement Sections 1. Letter of Transmittal 2. Cover Page 3. Table of Contents 4. Abstract 5. Introduction 6. Process Flow Diagram and Material Balances 7. Process Description 8. Energy Balance and Utility Requirements 9. Equipment List and Unit Descriptions 10. Equipment Specification Sheets 11. Equipment Cost Summary 12. Fixed Capital Investment Summary 13. Safety, Health, and Environmental Considerations 14. Process Safety Considerations a. Inherently Safer Design b. Hazards Identification and Risk Analysis c. Siting and Layout of Processes and Equipment 15. Other Important Considerations 16. Manufacturing/Operation Costs (exclusive of Capital Requirements) 17. Economic Analysis 18. Conclusions and Recommendations 19. Acknowledgements 20. Bibliography 21. Appendix 10 Page Problem Statement Sections Introduction Types of Monoclonal Antibodies Design Considerations and Specifications General Process Description Upstream Processes Downstream Purification Storage And Shipment To An Off‐site Formulation Facility Production Waste Cost Data Report Requirements Helpful/Interesting Information Some text and web references Many references
Prioritizing/Schedule Design Specifications This needs to get done ASAP AIChE will give you some You will need to fill in the blanks to get a complete Design Specification Design Concepts This needs to be a 1st Priority AIChE will give you only a basic outline of some design concepts You will need to flesh out a complete set Build Performance Models and Test Models Fitness for Service Done by Week 2 AIChE gives no information AIChE gives a list of references and allows you to use all you ChE courses/books and www to fill in for R&D Evaluate Economics and Select Design Done by Week 3 AIChE gives some economic information Detailed Design & Equipment Selection Done by Week 3 AIChE gives some information on potential equipment CAPEX, OPEX, Profitability Measures and Annual Cash Flows Done by Week 3.5 Report Writing Write up as parts are completed, Note Final Deadline! Tuesday 23 April 2019 Midnight
Process Schematic