UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Using literary devices/language to infer meaning in well-known speeches by.. NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Understanding Genres Poetry Analyzing Literary Nonfiction Persuasive Text Launch UO Identify & analyze Distinguish between Message vs Purpose Literary Devices Identify and analyze 8.7A 8.9A Literary Language 8.8A Unit Test How does an author effectively use literary language to create an image? What is the difference between message and purpose? How can the reader draw conclusions about the author’s message using literary devices? 1
Analyzing Literary Nonfiction NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Analyzing Literary Nonfiction Using literary language/devices to infer meaning in well-known speeches by.. Literary Devices Message vs Purpose Literary Language Aphorism ______________________ Epigraph Imagery * reading text & forming an image Sensory Detail *5 senses *Using senses to produce an image Message: what the author wants you to know (info). Purpose: why is the author writing this? Simile ______________ Metaphor Extended Metaphor