Mr.William (Bill ) Meder Thornridge High School Classroom C 98 Economics Class Mr.William (Bill ) Meder Thornridge High School Classroom C 98
Introduction An overview of the course and main areas of interest 21 years teaching at Thornridge Worked 10 years at C.B.O.E. Married with 2 children 19 & 15
Reality Based Education Choices are real Consequences are real Time is money Money to students is their grade I cannot change reality
Graduation Requirement Two copies of book home & class Economics Alive -TCI Satisfies requirement for consumer education Portfolio Assessment-Final Exam
Economics Alive-TCI Basics and Terminology Consumerism; Decision Making Macroeconomics: big picture Microeconomics: small picture International Issues and student’s place in the economy Hands on reality based approach
Grade Sheets Powerschool most accurate source Given to students to audit grades Request to have signed and returned Attendance and grades available on line***
Stock Market Project?? Begin on term 1 probably Follow 5 stocks and chart data Look for any news about stock Collect data for @ 10-15 weeks Create graphs to see progress Write 3-page paper to finish
Meder’s Economics Web Page To increase different ways of communication To allow students more access to school To add alternative assignments To promote the use of Technology To increase fun/access
Communications Period Students can make-up work on limited basis Students can get back on track if they fall off Students take responsibility for improving their performance Students chart their progress with grade reports
Homework, Supplies & Interactive Notebooks Students do something every day Have something to do at home almost every night Check their notes to see if they are keeping up-organized Contribute to their Portfolio final