FAO portfolio under GEF Experiences & GEF7 Proposals
FAO on-going GEF project experiences SAMIS - Information technology for agriculture and climate resilience LDCF US$5.4 millions 2018-2021 Crop climate scenarios for decision makers, managers and politicians SAMIS data and models Climate services for famers
FAO on-going GEF project experiences SAMIS sites 15 weather stations 2 FFS locations (6 villages) 18 awareness raising locations
FAO on-going GEF project experiences Project Target (Ramsar) Site CAWA: Climate Change Adaptation in Wetlands Areas Objective: Reduce climate change vulnerability of local communities and fragile wetland ecosystems in 2 Ramsar-designated wetlands Components Focus areas 1 Improved understanding of climate change impacts and risks in Xe Champhone and Beung Kiat Ngong wetlands 2 Efficient and cost-effective adaptation measures 3 Integration of climate change adaptation and disaster management measures into planning processes CAWA Head Office Project Target (Ramsar) Site
New initiatives: GEF-7 & related focal areas Climate Smart Agriculture alternatives for upland production systems in Lao PDR GEF Agency: FAO Executing Agency: MAF (DOF, DALAM, etc.) GEF focal area: Climate change Project fund: US$12.8M (GEF: US$5.5M - LDCF) Target: Central government & North (Luang Prabang, Huaphanh)
New initiatives: GEF-7 & related focal areas Project components Components Outcomes Target 1: Enabling environment for Climate Smart land use approaches Climate change adaptation (CCA) mainstreamed into policies & regulations multi-sector & coordination, CSA guidelines and action plans in 8 provinces National 2: Integrate climate smart into land use planning Capacity building of sub-national level planners and decision-makers on CCA planning CCA planning tools, data, guidance and training Province, District, Village 3: Enhance capacity and incentives for implementing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Increased options, incentives & capacities of vulnerable communities to adopt CSA Climate vulnerability & risk assessments, CSA livelihood options & techniques, microfinance, early warning systems Farmers, Field extension agents 4: M&E, and Knowledge Management Project knowledge managed, disseminated, and M&E conducted
New initiatives: GEF-7 & related focal areas Conceptual framework
New initiatives: GEF-7 & related focal areas Nam Ma & Nam Nuen Transboundary River project Lao PDR - Viet Nam International Waters Request: US$7million + Participatory approach around GEF Transboundary Diagnostic Assessment- Strategic Action Plan (TDA-SAP) process Key issues: transboundary river management, poverty/livelihoods, reservoir management, DRR, climate change, fisheries/ aquaculture, biodiversity. Land use/cover change Hydropower and reservoirs Biodiversity/Conservation strategies Water quality Fisheries Livelihoods, income & poverty Environmental flows Disaster risk Biodiversity Impact of … … on …
New initiatives: GEF-7 & related focal areas Healthy Upland Lao Agroecosystems Child project under Chemicals and Waste Impact Programme Potential to leverage LDCF funding (CSA upland project) Target sites: Luangprabang Province, Huaphan Province etc. Activities: Strengthening enabling environment to reduce use of agricultural chemicals Wider adoption of measures for biodiversity and sustainable land management land-use and investment plans Promotion of sustainable agriculture product value chains New series of activities linked to Chemicals and Waste impact programme. Could be combined with the CSA uplands project to leverage LDCF resources.
New initiatives: GEF-7 & related focal areas Other relevant IP and focal area programming ASEAN Programme for Transparency and Investment in Agriculture NDC Priorities (APTIA) – linked to AMAF joint position under UNFCCC Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
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