Characterization Activity Pick a character from the list you will be given (some page #’s have been provided for you.) Analyze the character by addressing the 8 elements of character. Your analysis should demonstrate thought and effort. You may work with the person NEXT to you or by yourself.
Elements of Character Physical Description Background Information Physical description: what the person looks like, dresses like, how the person carries herself, how sits and walks, etc. Anything that you can see about her that gives us clues to who she is. Please remember that authors create characters and choose these physical attributes as part of the character. Background: Who is this person? Where was she raised, what does she know how to do, what kind of jobs has she held, what special skills does she have, what education does she have, etc. This is her past experience that shapes who she becomes. Personality: Relationships: Words and Actions: Motivation:Conflict: Change: Elements of Character Physical Description Background Information Words and Actions Relationships Personality Motivation Conflict Change (or not)
Characterization Jocasta 215 Tiresias 183 Oedipus 162 Oedipus 171-173 Antigone 82 Antigone 105 Creon 67 Creon 93-94 Creon 193 Haemon 95-96
Themes Find text support Fate vs, Free will Action vs. reflection Shame and guilt Sight vs. blindness Finding out the truth