Day 2 Continuation of 1st Amendment
Freedom of Speech Can I really say what I want to say? Courts decide that some types of speech are not protected Libel Slander Seditious Speech- talking about overthrowing the government Obscenity- really hard to define
All around question? Should websites and new technology be included since they are not actually printed?
Freedom of Press Press has been extended in this technological filled world Courts have restricted media more than average citizen No safety from government in Press when it comes to testifying
Freedom of Assembly and Petition Right to peacefully assemble. Major focus is on protesting and picketing Government can regulate time, place, and manner of assembly Set guidelines for specific protest (Abortion) Also limited on Private Property
What right do I have? You are allowed to have you first amendment right until your rights take away from someone else.
4 Corners Police Article The police officer should be allowed to keep his job. Why?