Greek and Latin Root Vocabulary -frail, -frac, -frag = break; shatter
Fractals (noun) The type of geometry that creates broken patterns out of a smaller version of a design
A part of a whole; a broken piece of something that is no longer whole Fraction (noun) A part of a whole; a broken piece of something that is no longer whole
A break in a part of the body Fracture (noun) A break in a part of the body
So delicate that it could break easily; easily damaged Fragile (adjective) So delicate that it could break easily; easily damaged
An incomplete sentence; a break in a sentence fragment (noun) An incomplete sentence; a break in a sentence
fragmented (adjective) Describes something that is broken into pieces
Being easily broken or destroyed frail (adjective) Being easily broken or destroyed
A broken rule; a violation infraction (noun) A broken rule; a violation
To bend light so that it looks like it is broken refract (verb) To bend light so that it looks like it is broken
To break into an issue; to vote suffrage (verb) To break into an issue; to vote