Act 1 Recap Othello: Act 1
Act 1 Rodrigo (R) & Iago (I) discuss Othello’s (O) secret marriage to Desdemona (D). R loves D
Iago: Hates O b/c he passes I over for a promotion. Plot against O together by telling D’s father (Brabantio) she has run off with a Black man. Nice to O’s face.
Brabantio Marshalls his guard to find D. Wants to arrest O for witchcraft: no way she would love a Black man without influence.
To the DUKE!! Duke of Venice He listens… And let’s them stay together! But sends Othello to war in Cypress. Island of Cypress attacked by Turks. Iago doesn’t go…
Desdemona Wants to go with O The Duke says “Yes”
Iago tells Roderigo Sell your land and follow us to Cypress. Heard a rumour O slept with his wife!! Revenge: Make O believe D slept with Michael Cassio the army’s 2nd in Command! Plot together
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