O365 Bookings Scheduling: online & mobile Geared toward small businesses Allows students/clients to schedule a service/reservation with one or more faculty/staff members
Setup Bookings Business information Services Staff Customer Booking Page Calendar
Use Case: SIM LAB Four different majors (different class sections) 4-5 students per cohort 30 minute cycles 80-120 students 2-3 days
Bookings Data Clean up Duplicate Reservations Date/time format (print for Registration Desk attendee) Data updates (cancellations, rescheduling)
Argos Data Combine first, last name Match email and name to Bookings array Sum total registered Filter by instructor
Outcomes 80-120 students scheduled 2-3 days 30-minute sessions 4-5 students per group Interdisciplinary cohorts
Summary Kudos Scheduling “Office Hours” Coordinating staff advising 1-1 meetings with students Music/Art/Dance lessons Studio/Conference room space reservation Wishlist Calendar data customization Allow multiple “Services” per unique email
Conclusion Thank you: Claire Waterbury & ATS group Deb Thayer Contact: b.brown@northeastern.edu Thank you: Claire Waterbury & ATS group Deb Thayer Heather Daly