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Reading Reflection #16 Go to the next available page in your READING comp. book. Write out today’s date on the first line on the left hand side. Title it Reading Reflection #16. Add it to your table of contents.
Anderson, Fielding, and Wilson (1988) compared the amount of student reading with scores on achievement tests. The number of minutes spent in out-of-school reading correlated positively with reading achievement. The more students read outside of school the higher they scored on reading achievement tests. Students who scored at the 90th percentile on a reading test spent five times as many minutes as children at the 50th percentile, and more than 200 times as many minutes per day reading books as the child at the 10th percentile. The researchers conclude that “among all the ways children spent their time, reading books was the best predictor of measures of reading achievement, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and reading speed, including gains in reading comprehension.
Research findings in applied linguistics and reading research consistently show a strong correlation between reading proficiency and academic success at all ages, from the primary school right through to university level: students who read a lot and who understand what they read usually attain good grades. (Pretorius, 2002)
Students who read widely and frequently are higher achievers than students who read rarely and narrowly. (Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!) Research has found a relation between the amount of time that children read and reading achievement. (Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts)
Reading is a fundamental and essential skill that can predict successful scores on standardized tests. In order for students to be able to achieve proficiently on standardized tests, they need to be able to fluently read and comprehend test material. Students that read often and read a wide range of text will have acquired an extensive amount of background knowledge that will help students better comprehend test questions. (Alley, 2012)
People who read are more likely to get ahead when it comes to their careers, and life in general. (Wilson- Fletcher, 2008)
Harvard Library recommends annotation as one of “six reading habits to develop in your first year at Harvard.” The authors of the research guide “Interrogating Texts” know that critical reading is essential to academic success and intellectual growth, to retaining information and retaining it longer, and that annotation is a key part of the critical reading process. As the guide states, “Annotating puts you actively and immediately in a ‘dialogue’ with an author and the issues and ideas you encounter in a written text. It's also a way to have an ongoing conversation with yourself as you move through the text and to record what that encounter was like for you.” (Brown, 2012)
Reading Reflection #16 Respond to the current research and experts. Choose one of the following prompts and write a response (5+ sentences): Knowing the research findings, in what area do you think you need to focus on? Why? Which research finding worried you? Why? What is the overall message of the current research? Give examples. When you are finished, tape reading logs on the left hand side of the page.