The Handmaid’s Tale Day 2
Definitions of Gender In this section, we are presented with some competing views about what it means to be a woman. What is an “Unwoman”? Compare to the definition of an “Unbaby.” What are the implications of these two terms? (See p. 118-119) What does the birth scene tell us about how the society of Gilead defines women? (p. 114 and p. 123-127) We get a lot of back story about “Offred’s” mother and her views on women’s rights. Compare p. 120-121 and p. 180-181 to p. 127 We also learn a lot more about Moira’s views on gender and the relationship between the sexes. See p. 171-172 Note the description of Serena Joy’s garden on p. 153.
How did we get here? (Again.) In this section of the novel, we get more information about the events that led to the “current” situation. (see especially p. 174-182) Does knowing “what happened” change your perspective at all? Why do you think Atwood waits so long to let her audience in on this? (A bit of reader response criticism…) What do you make of the scene with Luke on p. 182 after the narrator has lost her job?
Scrabble and the Commander Ch. 23 contains the 1st scrabble game. What do you think about the Commander and his two “requests” that he makes of the narrator? Notice that Ch. 23 begins and ends with the assertion that “this is a reconstruction.” What do you think this means? On p. 156-158, we get a glimpse of the Commander’s motivation. Can we compare him to the World Controller Mustapha Mond in Brave New World? Notice the ironic use of “eat those words” on p. 181. And now, for a little Freudian Psychoanalytic criticism…What do you make of the phrase “Pen is envy” that is used to justify keeping women from books/reading? (p. 186) We finally find out what the Latin means on p. 187. Why does this matter? Compare the last line of Ch. 25 with the last line of Ch. 26.
Science and Individuality What do you make of Soul Scrolls and its mechanized prayers? (p. 167) This is an interesting use of “science” and “modern knowledge.” How can we compare this to p. 112 and Brave New World? Why is the fact that “Offred” and “Ofglen” see each other for the first time through the reflection in a window significant? (p. 167) Have you figured out the naming system here? Note the emphasis on individuality and the impossibility of interchangeability on p. 192.