Correlation of flux and enzyme concentration (inferred from transcripts) changes for reactions in central metabolism. Correlation of flux and enzyme concentration.


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Correlation of flux and enzyme concentration (inferred from transcripts) changes for reactions in central metabolism. Correlation of flux and enzyme concentration (inferred from transcripts) changes for reactions in central metabolism. Four typical cases are shown in (A–D). Both X and Y data are log2‐transformed and normalized by subtracting the mean, forcing the line of best fit to pass through the origin. For each plot, the coefficient of determination (R2) and the slope (ρh) of the line of best fit (gray) are given, along with P, the P‐value associated with the hypothesis ρh>1 (see Materials and methods). The shaded area corresponds to a 95% confidence interval of the fitted slope and the black line corresponds to ρh=1. (E) Scatter plot of P‐values and goodness of linear fit for each reaction. To distinguish cases like (C) from (D), both of which give R2≈0, we take the mean value of the residuals as the goodness of fit for the purpose of this plot. Symbol size corresponds to the deviation in flux values (considering only fluxes greater than the cutoff of 0.1 mmol gcdw−1 h−1). Color corresponds to ρh values (the slope of the fitted line). Enzymes where P<0.05 (i.e., ρh=1 cannot be statistically excluded) and the mean residual value is <0.4 (i.e., good fit) are shown in italic. Some points that overlap perfectly have been offset slightly for visibility. (F) Graphical representation of ρh values for each enzyme in central carbon metabolism. Color legend and fonts are identical to (E). Victor Chubukov et al. Mol Syst Biol 2013;9:709 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend