E C O L I V R A I S O N INTRODUCTION RESULTS DISCUSSION OBJECTIVES A N I N N O V A T I V E B I K E D E L I V E R Y S Y S T E M F O R F A R M E R S By El Idrissi I., Garcia R., Guex M., Montagnoli C., Qin H. RESULTS A bike delivery system of local products from farms to customers' homes can be implemented in Geneva without requiring an onerous economic investment both from the farmers and from the customers. In fact, on the one hand, this innovative system would require the farmers only to buy two cargo-bikes, and, on the other hand, the salary of the bikers would be covered by the extra fee paid by the customers for the delivery. This amount (7 CHF) is just as costly as the current commission for receiving Bio baskets delivered by natural gas vehicle (NGV) in a common point. Other extra expenditures related to the implementation of this new system of delivery, e.g. logistic expenses, would be easily included in the actual farms budget. DISCUSSION Geneva has all the means needed to enable implementation of a bike consignment system for local products directly to customers homes. This work offers a detailed project proposal, including a budget estimation, for farmers willing to start this delivery system. Finally, a flyer in French has been designed and distributed to persuade, connect and advertise this proposal. Eventually, to reassure farmers, a pilot project of three months time is now taking place. A first evaluation to this will be the base to finally implement and start the very "Eco-livraison" plan. Picture: signegeneve.ch INTRODUCTION Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) are the leading cause of global warming (EPA, 2017). With regards to Geneva, whose air pollution index of 29.96 is the highest in Switzerland, 5.000 premature deaths were linked to climate change in 2012 (EU, 2015). Albeit the rising awareness amongst citizens, benefits observed so far are still too weak, especially in the parts of the world where climate change affects only partially and not drastically the civil society. That is why, beside the policies that rule the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) produced industrially, some efforts must also be done by average citizens in their daily life. Consuming local food, besides the healthy benefits of a fresher, safer, more nutrient and less processed food, reduces international transportation, on average responsible of 21% of the general emissions every year (EEA, 2017). When adding to this the ecological benefits brought by a bike delivery system of local products, important changes might arise. Tailored to the Geneva canton, an average of 1% shift from motorised vehicles to bikes could already reduce the yearly GHG emissions (Lindsay et al., 2011). OBJECTIVES Not last, the research question “Could a bike delivery system of local products positively impact climate change and promote good health in Geneva?” has been developed and especially conceived within the "Plan Climatique Cantonal" framework, whose goal is to decrease GHGE of 40% by 2030. Objectives that come along with this research are, amongst others, to foster light transportation and decrease GHGE related to the trips done to reach the farms by sustaining and promoting locally produced food consumption among Geneva people, to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed bike delivery system and estimate its budget. METHODS Literature researches were repeatedly conducted during the study (ncbi, Google scholar). Further elements used to collect data were a marketing survey conducted in local supermarkets (COOP, MIGROS), among local farmers (Le jardin de la Cocagne) and in similar businesses in the city of Lausanne (Le panier a deux roues).