Review: 6.4d Mini-Quiz 1. Factor x3 – 8 2. Factor x3 + 64 5. Factor 27x3 + 64y3
Objective: The students will discover and demonstrate how to factor completely.
Lesson 6-4e Factoring Completely Chapter 6 Lesson 6-4e Factoring Completely
Examples 1. Factor 4x2 – 64 2. Factor x4 – 36x2 3. Factor x2 – 10xy + 25y2 4. Factor x2 + 2x + 1 5. Factor 7x2 + 8x + 1
Homework 359/83-97 odd
Lesson Summary: Objective: The students will discover and demonstrate how to factor completely.
Preview of the next Lesson: Objective: The students will discover and demonstrate how to factor completely. (CONTINUED)