GrowingGreat Snack Suggestions 3rd-5th Grade/Volume 3 kkkk Let’s eat! For your reference, we have provided suggestions for food samples “tastes” to serve following each lesson. These are just suggestions. Please avoid food waste. Lesson 1 Feed Your Engine: Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates Lesson 3 Filling Up - What is a serving size? Lesson 5 Elimination and Hydration Lesson 2 Fuel Up with Whole, Close to the Source Foods Lesson 4 Helping your body use it’s fuel “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates
Remember . . . before you serve any food at school in a classroom. Check your school’s food handling guidelines. Some schools require you to prepare all food samples onsite. Allergies - Get a list of student allergies from your teacher. We have avoided giving snack suggestions with nuts, but some of our suggestions contain other common allergens. If you are serving something perishable, make sure food is stored in an on-site refrigerator (staff lounge, PTA room, classroom) or transport the food to school in a cooler with ice. Always wear gloves when preparing and distributing food. Long hair should be tied back while preparing food. Always offer the teacher, parent volunteer or teacher assistant a food sample. If serving food samples, shop wisely and don’t over purchase food. Food samples are intended to be a “taste” with the goal that students will go home and inform their family to try!
Lesson 1. Fuel Your Engine: Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates (PFC’s) Students learn that proteins, fats and carbohydrates (PFC’s) are the nutrients that fuel a human body. Go, Grow and Brain Health! We suggest you choose one of these 3 simple samples. Breakfast Wrap P & F:Sunflower Seed Butter C: Sliced Banana C:Whole Wheat Tortilla Helpful Hint: 1 Jar, 2 large bananas, and 1 package of wheat tortilla per class. Cut tortilla in quarters. PFC Stack P: Sunflower Seeds F: Smashed Avocado C: Sliced Cucumber or Dried Veggie Chip GrowingGreat PFC Wrap P: Sliced turkey or ham F: Any flavored hummus C: Romaine lettuce or butter lettuce GrowingGreat PFC Wrap Tip: One Romaine lettuce leaf, one-half slice meat, and one-half slice cheese will feed 2 students.
Lesson 2. Fuel up with Whole, Close to the Source Foods Students are guided through an interactive lesson designed to teach them how to identify higher-quality foods that are minimally processed. Close to the source means something that is close to “nature”. Sliced Pears Pears are a seasonal fruit in the Fall. 1 Pear will serve 5 students. Helpful Hint: Be creative with different varieties of this yummy Fall fruit! Cracker Stack Whole Wheat Cracker Cream Cheese Sliced Cucumber or any other F or V. Helpful HInt: Challenge students to read ingredient list. Trail Mix Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, and Dried Craisins. Helpful HInt: 1 bag of each will serve one class a sample (not a meal). When preparing food samples please be conservative with quantity.
Lesson 3. What is a serving size? Students learn what a serving size is and how to identify an appropriate serving size and why it is important. Apple and Cheese Apple Slice ½ slice of cheese Veggie Chip Bag of Veggie Chip or straws. Have students read serving size on back of chip bag and serve appropriate quantity. Seasonal Mandarin Orange or Citrus 1 Small Mandarin per student. Refer to activity sheet and chall Read labels and refer to activity sheet for discussion about serving size!
Lesson 4. Helping Your Body Use It’s Fuel Students learn about how digestion works, why we digest our food, and how eating a range of colorful foods provides many nutrients. Carrot Sticks, Dried Cranberries, Kiwi Use with activity! Fruit Kabobs Have students create a fruit kabob by stacking any 3 fruits. Add a mint leaf! Helpful Hint: Bamboo skewers are recyclable! Crudite w/Hummus Green Bell Pepper Red Bell Pepper Orange Bell Pepper Helpful Hint: One of each color will serve entire class. One hummus container. Be creative! Fruits and Veggies are great for digestion.
Lesson 5. Elimination and Hydration Students learn the importance of proper elimination, eating whole foods and drinking plenty of water. Flavored Sparkling Water 1 Gallon Water 1 Cucumber 2 Mint Leaves Add sliced cucumber with chopped mint to water day before serving. Watermelon Slice Watermelon is a great source of hydration! Helpful Hint: Reduce paper products and cut into triangles (with rind). Celery and Sunflower Seed Butter Celery slices Sunflower seed butter Helpful Hint.Prepare butter on celery and hand to student. Reduce paper products! WHOLE, close to the source, & minimally processed foods are best!