2-4 Deductive Reasoning Vocab: Deductive Reasoning: Logical conclusion based off facts, rules, definitions, or properties Valid logic: A logically correct method of proving a conjecture
Law of Detachment If p then q is a true statement if p is true, then q is true Ex 1: If a car is out of gas, then it will not start. Sarah’s car is out of gas. Sarah’s car will not start. Valid conclusion. Ex 2: If Mike goes to the beach, he will wear sunscreen. Mike is wearing sunscreen.
Law of Syllogism If p and q are true, and q and r are true, then p then r is true Ex 3: If you get a job, then you will earn money. If you earn money, then you will buy a car. Conclusion: If you get a job, then you will buy a car. Ex 4: If you do not get enough sleep, then you will be tired. If you are tired, then you will not do well on the test.
Classwork/Homework P. 121-123 2-34 even