2. The type IIB matrix model 5. Result of D=6


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Presentation transcript:

2. The type IIB matrix model 5. Result of D=6 Complex Langevin analysis of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in the Euclidean type IIB matrix model 1st R-CCS Symposium, Feb 18th 2019 (Mon) Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos, Takehiro Azuma, Yuta Ito, Jun Nishimura, Toshiyuki Okubo and Stratos Kovalkov Papadoudis 1. Introduction 4. Mass deformation Difficulties in putting complex partition functions on computers. [Y. Ito and J. Nishimura, arXiv:1609.04501] SO(D) breaking term Order parameters for SO(D)'s SSB Sign problem: The reweighting requires configs. exp[O(N2)] Fermionic mass term: Avoids 's singular eigenvalue distribution <*>0 = (V.E.V. for phase-quenched Z0) Extrapolation (i) N→∞ ⇒(ii)ε→0 ⇒ (iii) mf→0 2. The type IIB matrix model 5. Result of D=6 [K.N. Anagnostopoulos, T. Azuma, Y. Ito, J. Nishimura and S.K. Papadoudis, arXiv:1712.07562] Candidate for nonperturbative string theory (a.k.a. "IKKT model") [N. Ishibashi, H. Kawai, Y. Kitazawa and A. Tsuchiya, hep-th/9612115] mμ=(0.5,0.5,1,2,4,8) histogram of drift N=24, mf=0.65 (i) N→∞ (ε,mf)=(0.25,0.65) reject Scattering plot of 's eigenvalues trust Im <λμ> u's distribution p(u) (log-log) (ε,mf)=(0.25,0.65) ・Euclidean case after Wick rotation A0→iA D,Γ0→-iΓ D. ⇒Path integral is finite without cutoff. faster than exponential Evades the origin. u 1/N Re ・Aμ, Ψα ⇒N×N Hermitian traceless matrices.  (ii) ε→0 after N→∞ (iii) mf→0 after ε→0 ・Originally defined in D=10. We consider the simplified D=6 case as well. mf=0.65 SO(6)→SO(3) 0.338(6) ρμ ρμ 0.299(48) 0.230(3) ・Eigenvalues of Aμ : spacetime coordinate⇒  =2 SUSY 0.061(32) mf=1000 no SSB of SO(6) 0.227(13) ρμ ・Integrating out ψ yields det  in D=6 (Pf in D=10) 0.013(47) ε ε 0.055(5) mf2 (dotted line: mf→0 limit fixed to GEM results) SSB SO(6)→SO(3) Consistent with GEM. SO(3) SO(4) SO(5) ・det/Pf   's complex phase ⇒Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) of SO(D). 6. Result of D=10 (preliminary) [K.N. Anagnostopoulos, T. Azuma, Y. Ito, J. Nishimura, T. Okubo and S.K. Papadoudis, work in progress] Result of Gaussian Expansion Method (GEM) mμ=(0.5,0.5,1,2,4,8,8,8,8,8) [T.Aoyama, J.Nishimura, and T.Okubo, arXiv:1007.0883, J.Nishimura, T.Okubo and F.Sugino, arXiv:1108.1293] SSB SO(6)→SO(3) (In D=10, SO(10)→SO(3)) Dynamical compactification to 3-dim spacetime. (ii) ε→0 after N→∞ mf=1.0 SO(10)→SO(3) mf=1.4 SO(10)→SO(4) <λμ> (i) N→∞ (ε,mf)=(0.325,1.0) ρμ ρμ (D=6) 0.17 0.15 3. Complex Langevin Method (CLM) ε 0.05 Solve the complex version of the Langevin equation. 0.05 ε [Parisi, Phys.Lett. 131B (1983) 393, Klauder, Phys.Rev. A29 (1984) 2036] Free energy by GEM for mf>0 at 3 loop drift term histogram of fermionic drift (no term) mf=1.0 N=32 solutions of SO(4) and SO(6) ansatz all faster than exponential SO(6) ansatz SO(4) ansatz λμ ・Aμ : Hermitian→general complex traceless matrices. ・ημ: Hermitian white noise obeying free energy CLM does not work when it encounters these problems: mf mf =1.4 (1) Excursion problem: Aμ is too far from Hermitian ⇒Gauge Cooling minimizes the Hermitian norm Trend of SSB SO(10)→SO(3). (iii) mf→0 after ε→0: hand in hand with GEM ??? (2) Singular drift problem: The drift term ∂S/∂(Aμ)ji diverges due to 's near-zero eigenvalues. 7. Future works ・Reweighting method [J. Bloch, arXiv:1701.00986] ・Other deformations than the mass deformation (z=1:original Euclidean, pure imaginary z: fermion det/Pf is real) [Y. Ito and J. Nishimura, arXiv:1710.07929] We trust CLM when the distribution p(u) of the drift norm falls exponentially as p(u)∝e-au. [K. Nagata, J. Nishimura and S. Shimasaki, arXiv:1606.07627] Look at the drift term ⇒ Get the drift of CLM!!