Progress and Change: Solution Focused Emily Morris Occupational Psychologist 26.01.2018
Think about how these make you feel? Why can’t you work? What is the main barrier that stops you from working? What other barriers are preventing you from working? What problems are you facing? What is the main problem? When do you feel this problem is at its worst? How often does the problem affect you? What other issues is this causing for you?
Compared to Tell me about a time when you worked in the past. What skills did you use? Tell me about times when you feel more able to look for work? What are you able to do during those times?
Origins of Solution Focused Approach Based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). SFBT was developed, in the 1980s, by Steve De Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg at the Brief Family Therapy Centre in Milwaukee. Influenced by Utilization Theory by Erickson Powerful approach to achieve change Helps to improve self efficacy Developed on SFBT. Developed by a group of therapists in Milwaukee.
Self efficacy ‘The belief in one’s capability to organise and execute courses of actions required to manage prospective situations.’ Albert Bandura
What’s the point No one’s going to hire me No job’s out there anyway Whatever I do isn’t going to make any difference
Solution Focused Approach Sets a positive tone to the meeting/call right from the beginning (Pre Interview Change) Ask the person what is important to them (Best Hopes) Helps to identifies times when the problem is not so overwhelming (Exceptions) Helps the person develop a clear picture in detail of what they would like their prefer (Future Question) Invites the person to measure the progress they have made already (Scaling).
Impact People take ownership People take action People make progress
Emily Morris Thankyou Emily Morris