Welcome Patient Safety Matters Sussex Partnership Main title slide page Co-brand logo here Welcome Patient Safety Matters Sussex Partnership
Situation Welcome CQC 2016 report ‘The Trust should ensure that learning of incidents is effectively shared with staff.’ Report & Learn Bulletin averaged 80 downloads a month. Feedback from frontline staff was that they didn’t know what the learning was from SIs across the Trust. Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name
Background Welcome Serious Incident Framework 2015 - Supporting learning to prevent recurrence NHS Improvement – ‘Recording incidents protects patients from harm and saves lives’ SPFT Incident, Serious Incidents and Learning from Deaths Policy – ‘It is very important that we learn from incidents and serious incidents and ensure we use this learning to improve the care we provide. Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name
Welcome Benefits to others Learning from SIs and incidents shared widely with staff at all levels. Service Users receive safer care from better informed staff. Reduced risk of recurrence of incidents trustwide. Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name
Driver Diagram Welcome
Welcome PDSA Testing Ramps for content of PSM A P S D Engagement of different experts for content of PSM Welcome Cycle 1D: Working with clinicians requesting PSM on Serious Incident in their area of expertise Cycle 1C: Pharmacist Lead engaged to write PSM for medication error Cycle 1B: Co-production with carer made patient’s story more engaging and final draft read through for sense check by Jenny (receptionist) Cycle 1A: First draft - feedback from clinical team -too corporate in language
Welcome Measurement Barriers to measuring quantitively. No baseline data as previous report was very different and only uploaded to Trust intranet and is the quantity of bulletins sent out a measure of improvement in learning? This was not the only change idea that was implemented at the time to share learning from incidents. Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name
Welcome Measurement However qualitative feedback has been great! ‘Well written, clear learning points – and these are specific enough for us to relate them to our own cases. I think it is very accessible in this format. I have circulated for LD team meetings.’ ‘During the core service inspections the staff fedback that these were very useful in helping them to look at their work and approach to situations, and make workable changes to improve the safety and experience of patients’ CQC Report Jan 2018. Copies are now emailed to BSUH, Eastbourne General Hospital, Nurse Education after requests. Shamelessly stolen by Cornwall and others. Copies are shared and discussed with patients in at least two of our hospitals – with one hospital hosting a ‘Patient Safety Matters’ group for service users. Welcome Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name
Welcome Recommendations Involve as many people from different backgrounds (patients, carers and staff) at the start of the project as you can. Develop your measurement plan. Find your Jenny! Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name
Welcome Key improvement message Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name