Personal Academic Tutoring Our new policy and the accompanying guidelines for tutors and students Presented by the Deputy Head of School
About the Policy
Intent regular opportunities for students to review the academic, personal and professional aspects of their development academic guidance: a central and stable point of contact, fosters a sense of belonging and sustained engagement Personal Academic Tutor Specialist support services Academic staff
Add details for the School Models of delivery group delivery, delivery integrated into the curriculum and delivery solely through one to one tutorials minimum of 3 tutorials a year (group or individual) at the Tutor’s invitation Add details for the School
Commitment of the School Ensure that the mechanisms for delivery of personal academic tutorial support will be fair and inclusive. Ensure that personal academic tutorial support is delivered sensitively, objectively and in a non-judgmental manner, recognising and responding to a diversity of needs and situations. Provide opportunities and encourage students to give feedback on their experience of the tutoring through relevant and appropriate mechanism Inform students with disabilities of appropriate university support services, as part of the schools overall information to students Pass on relevant information about individual students with disabilities to the Dyslexia and Disability Team (DDT), in accordance with the university’s Disability Disclosure Policy. (…)
Implementation and Evaluation 1 Responsible: Heads of Schools Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Policy will place from three different perspectives: the perceived impact upon student retention and progression; impact upon academic staff; impact upon the quality of student experience;
Implementation and Evaluation 2 Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC): monitoring implementation Schools, through the representation on LTC, to comment on policy implementation. The Centre for Learning and Teaching, the Student Services Department and the Academic Standards Division of Academic Services: sharing information and feedback and disseminating good practice through the Widening Participation Action Team (WiPAT). The Centre for Learning and Teaching: monitoring requests for training and support for personal academic tutoring and evaluating the workshops and resources provided.
About the Guidelines for the Tutors
Role of the Personal Academic Tutor A personal academic tutor: Provides a central point of consistent contact within the academic team for the student and to foster a sense of ‘belonging’ to the University, through creating a sense of academic community with the School. Provides information and guidance on Institutional processes, procedures and expectations Supports students to alleviate anxiety about what is expected academically (e.g. independent study) and to aid transition to Higher Education Refers students to other support services as required (SSGT, Student Services) Provides a holistic support for retention, progression and success for all students Supports students in regularly reviewing their academic progress and performance in line with the Personal Academic Tutoring policy Supports students’ awareness and use of academic feedback. Encourages students to reflect on their formal and informal learning more broadly (rather than focusing on individual modules) and how it contributes to their future development and career
School Diagram
Support Deputy Head of School is responsible Workload, support CLT training available Personal Tutor Guidelines Web resources from CLT Web resources from Student Services
Challenge? Discussion What do you think is the biggest challenge for the Personal Tutors?
About the Guidelines for the Students
Dissemination Students will receive their guidelines and the name of their Tutor through StudentCentral. The first Tutoring session is part of the induction. The Tutor invites the students and makes sure they attend. Guidelines offer information about other support services