Part 7: Should Have Danced in the Rain Words often Confused Part 7: Should Have Danced in the Rain
Words often Confused #1-3: Should Have vs. Could Have vs. Would Have Should Have-(verb): something was to be done, but wasn’t We should have taken the bigger car for all of our stuff. Could Have-(verb): something wasn’t done because of something that wasn’t your fault We could have bought the car if the salesman had respected the deal! Would Have-(verb): something wasn’t done because of something else I would have bought the car if we had the money.
Words often Confused #4-6: Quiet vs. Quit vs. Quite Quiet-(adjective): making little or no noise Why does the teacher always want the class to be quiet? Quit-(verb): leave a place He was forced to quit the job immediately. Quite- (adverb): absolutely; to a fairly significant extent It’s quite hot out!
Words often Confused #7-8: Seas vs. Seize Seas-(noun): a large body of salt water There’s a law against dumping radioactive waste in the sea. Seize-(verb): to take hold of suddenly and with force She jumped up and seized his arm!
Words often Confused #9-11: Reign vs. Rein vs. Rain Reign-(verb): to rule as king or queen Queen Elizabeth reigned over the UK. Rein-(noun): a long, narrow strap attached to a horse’s bit He pulled on the reins so the horse would stop. Rain-(noun): drops falling from the sky Let it rain so practice is cancelled!
Words often Confused #12-14: Their vs. There vs. They’re Their-(pronoun): belonging to the people previously mentioned It is their fault we are late. There-(adverb): in, at, or to that place or position We went to Paris and stayed there for a week. They’re-(contraction): they are They’re not coming over tonight.