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Workshop Goals & Objectives Quantify Sustainability Aspects of Biodiesel Impact of land use, including soil & water resources Net GHG emissions Update on latest research Identify needed research Collaborate Publish
“With American farmers growing more corn today than at any time since the Great Depression, 40 percent of that crop now goes to produce fuel rather than feeding people or livestock. The staggering scale and swift rise of this massive biofuel industry has profound impacts to the environment as farmers cleared land, drained wetlands, and applied more fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water to maximize their production.” These accusations are reasons for concern, lets not deny that. However, it just so happens that they are missing important parts of the story. You’ll also note that this essay is attacking corn ethanol, specifically. They don’t mention biodiesel. It is much more common to hear these concerns expressed about corn ethanol. It is my desire to be proactive in discussing biodiesel’s role in this. We need to recognize that there is a pervasive view among environmentalists that production agriculture displaces natural landscapes. If they truly care about preserving natural landscapes, they need to support biodiesel growth. I’ll explain why.
When we grow protein to feed the world, we get more fat than we can eat.
The Reality of Land Use Change Farmland is shrinking in the US and abroad. Between 2007-2015, US lost 23 million acres of farm land Between 2004 and 2011, Globally: Increased crop by 43 million acres Decreased pasture by 103 million acres Net decrease in ag land of 60 million acres. Increased forested area by 19 million acres
Solar Energy is key to the economy =
Farmers Mine Sunshine Sunshine is the one significant thing that is delivered fresh to the Earth everyday. Farming utilizes atmospheric CO2, which we consider a liability in its abundance.
Farmers Mine Sunshine Farmers turn sunshine and CO2into food and fuel.
Farmers Mine Sunshine The more things we make out of sunshine, the more wealth we infuse into the economy. and the more we can displace fossil fuels and unsustainable economic exploitation of non- renewable resources.