Welcome to the Meeting 23-25 Nov. 2016 Nadi, Fiji
An Overview of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) Sinh Van Hoang (PhD) RCA Focal Person
Interregional TC Projects TC PROJECT MODALITIES National TC Projects Regional TC Projects Interregional TC Projects
Regional TC Projects EUROPE RERxxxx ASIA AND THE PACIFIC RASxxxx The IAEA carries out technical cooperation activities and provides services in four regions: Africa, the Asia and the Pacific region, Europe (extends into Central Asia) and Latin America. These services are delivered through TC projects, which can either be national, regional or interregional projects. LATIN AMERICA RLAxxxx AFRICA RAFxxxx
RPs IN ASIA & THE PACIFIC REGION 1) RPs under the RCA Agreement; 2) RPs under the ARASIA Agreement; 3) RPs outside the RCA & ARASIA Agreements.
RCA RCA is an acronym for: “Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific”
RCA Inter-governmental agreement ; Under the auspices of the IAEA; Peaceful use of nuclear S&T; Since 1972 (44 years old – revised and extended 5 times & valid till Jun. 2017).
RCA RCA VISION: “Recognized as an effective partner in providing nuclear technologies that enhance socio-economic wellbeing and contribute to sustainable development in the region”
RCA RCA MISSION: Identify and implement nuclear technologies for regional needs; Encourage sustainability of nuclear technology capacities in the RCA Government Parties (GPs) and to ensure transfer of those technologies and associated technical know-how to end-users;
RCA RCA MISSION: Coordinate cooperative research in nuclear science and technology; Promote the benefits of nuclear technologies and identify funding mechanisms; and Develop regional networks for exchange of technologies, training and equipment.
RCA BASIC PRINCIPLES: RCA Responsibility of formulating the RCA programme lies with GPs and is carried out through a process of discussion and consensus; GPs have full responsibility and autonomy to agree on their priorities and the projects to be included in the programme;
RCA BASIC PRINCIPLES: RCA RCA GPs have equal rights in the decision-making process of the RCA programme; Each GP shall use the assistance provided to it under the RCA Agreement solely for peaceful purposes;
RCA BASIC PRINCIPLES: RCA Each GP shall ensure that the Agency's safety standards and measures relevant to a cooperative project are applied to its implementation; Activities undertaken under the RCA Agreement shall promote Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) in the RCA region;
RCA BASIC PRINCIPLES: RCA RCA programme /projects shall maximize the use of available regional expertise and existing infrastructural facilities; and Each GP shall appoint a National RCA Representative (NR) who will have the responsibility for all RCA matters related to the GP and the collective responsibility for all policy matters related to the RCA programme.
RCA CORE VALUES: RCA RCA GPs are committed to high standards of : Professionalism & Competence; Safety, Security & Sustainability;
RCA CORE VALUES: RCA Honesty, Openness and Integrity; and Collaboration and Responsiveness.
RCA Governing Mechanism: National RCA Representatives (NRs) act on behalf of their Governments on all issues related to RCA activities and attend meetings of NRs, which include Annual Meeting (RCA NRM) and RCA General Conference Meeting (RCA GCM). RCA NRM & RCA GCM are policy making bodies;
RCA Governing Mechanism: RCA Medium Term Strategy 2012-2017 & RCA Strategic Priorities for 2012-2017; RCA Medium Term Strategy 2018-2023; RCA Guidelines and Operating Rules (GOR);
RCA Governing Mechanism: GOR specifies how to organize RCA NRM and RCA GCM, the roles and responsibilities of GPs, NRs, RCA Chair, LC, LCC, NPC, NPT, RCARO, the Agency, Agency’s RCA Focal Person and other related actors.
RCA GOVERNMENT PARTIES Australia (AUL) Mongolia (MON) Bangladesh (BGD) Myanmar (MYN) Cambodia (KAM) Nepal (NEP) China (CPR) New Zealand (NZE) Fiji (FIJ) Pakistan (PAK) India (IND) Palau (PAL) Indonesia (INS) Philippines (PHI) Japan (JPN) Singapore (SIN) Korea, Republic of (ROK) Sri Lanka (SRI) Laos (LAO) Thailand (THA) Malaysia (MAL) Vietnam (VIE)
RCA RCA PROGRAMME: Objective: To promote and coordinate cooperative research, development and training projects in nuclear S&T (isotope and radiation applications in food & agriculture, human health, industry, hydrology, and environments)
RCA RCA PROGRAMME: RCA Programme is formulated and implemented based on RCA Medium Term Strategy 2012-2017 & 2018-2023, and the RCA Guidelines and Operating Rules (GOR), and in compliance with the IAEA Guidelines
On-going RCA Programme No. Project Code Project Title Project Duration 1 RAS0074 Enhancing the Management of the RCA Agreement and its Programme (RCA) 2016-2017 2 RAS1014 Supporting Radiation Processing for the Development of Advanced Grafted Materials for Industrial Applications and Environmental Preservation (RCA) 2012-2016 3 RAS1020 Building Capacity for Applications of Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation Technologies for Enhancing Industrial Productivity (RCA) 2015-2017
On-going RCA Programme 4 RAS5070 Developing Bioenergy Crops to Optimize Marginal Land Productivity through Mutation Breeding and Related Techniques (RCA) 2015-2018 5 RAS5071 Strengthening Adaptive Climate Change Strategies for Food Security through the use of Food Irradiation (RCA) 2015-2017 6 RAS5077 Promoting the Application of Mutation Techniques and Related Biotechnologies for the Development of Green Crop Varieties (RCA) 2017-2020
On-going RCA Programme 7 RAS6071 Strengthening Radionuclide Therapy for High Impact Cancer Treatment Strategy in Member States of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) 2015-2017 8 RAS6072 Strengthening Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Capability in the Region (RCA) 9 RAS6076 Improving Cancer Management Through Strengthening the Computed Tomography Cancer Staging Process (RCA) 2014-2016
On-going RCA Programme 10 RAS6077 Strengthening the Effectiveness and Extent of Medical Physics Education and Training (RCA) 2014-2017 11 RAS6083 Improving Patient Care and Enhancing Government Parties Capacity in Nuclear Medicine programmes in RCA Region (RCA) 2016-2018 12 RAS6085 Enhancing Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Frequent Cancers in the RCA Region (RCA) 2016-2019
On-going RCA Programme 13 RAS7028 Enhancing Regional Capabilities for Marine Radioactivity Monitoring and Assessment of the Potential Impact of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Facilities in Asia-Pacific Marine Ecosystems (RCA) 2017-2020 14 RAS7029 Assessing the Impact of Urban Air Particulate Matter on Air Quality (RCA) 2016-2018 15 RAS7030 Assessing Deep Groundwater Resources for Sustainable Management Through the Utilization of Isotopic Techniques (RCA) 2016-2019
RCA Over the past 44 years, the RCA has been proven as an effective mechanism in the application of nuclear S&T for socio-economic development in the region
For further information about the RCA: Visit : RCA Website: www.rcaro.org
Thank you very much for your kind attention! 22/05/2019