Prayer Focus: Maidstone Road Baptist Church, Felixstowe MRBC is in the Walton district of Felixstowe, a growing port and seaside town in Suffolk. It is a town of social and economic challenges, particularly with hundreds of new houses started near the church. The Pastor is Rev’d Dr Mark Reid. The church has developed many ways of reaching out to the community, including working with other local churches. This has led to many projects, some creative and innovative.
Prayer Focus: Maidstone Road Baptist Church, Felixstowe Pray the church will find ways of getting to know its new neighbours and be welcoming. Give thanks for the many creative community projects developed in conjunction with other local churches and that these will continue to be a positive witness in the town. Please pray that as a church, MRBC may strike the right balance between these wider ministries and its own call and distinctive witness in the local community.