Session 9 Strategy Implementation
The basic problems in strategy implementation Strategy planning process Functional strategy planning process 薪酬规划流程 Performance evaluation process budget Employee Training and developingrocess Indicator and measurement Management reports What we find in organizations is far from coherent. Various planning and performance management systems exist. These are usually fragmented. Often strategic planning is run by one department, the long range plans do not drill down much further than the revenue line, the budgets are run by Finance who rarely talk with the strategic planning people. Individual goal setting and reward systems run on yet another track. It is little wonder that such a situation can actually undermine the execution of corporate strategy.
From strategy to action 战略分析 战略执行反馈 计划和预算 业务绩效报告 业务提高方案 平衡计分卡 绩效评估 个人目标设定 激励体系 员工发展 Strategy impetus Organizational impetus Business impetus
3 dimension to implement strategy motivation direction We see three key benefits -- Direction, Motivation, and Information. information
Questions Why Us quite competitive in biotech, IT, Consulting, financial service? Why Japan more competitive in automobile, home-electronics Why in the globalization every country still quite special and unique?
Implications Every society has its own way to push the development of economic organizations, and form its special business system. This system makes the society more competitive in certain industries, and makes the economic performance of different countries quite different.