Mobile technologies, as tools to improve researches and communication in developing countries, Case of DRCongo
Mobile technology, such as SMS and mobile app is increasingly ubiquitous in the developing world and hold great potential to improve researches and communication.
Area : 905,567 sq m Population : 78,736,153 inhabitants .
Only 15 % of population have access to internet PROBLEMS Lack of basic infrastructure (roads, phones lines, libraries, energy, etc) Only 15 % of population have access to internet Researchers have a crucial problems to access data and to exchange information.
Solution IRIX project is an open media Libraries solution that provides researchers access to millions of data through mobile phones and offering an integrated communication system.
Advantages Free access to data Support Internet and offline mode Provide an integrated communication system Crypted application Accessibility in rural and isolated areas
2000 Users in DRCongo Founded in 2017 Available in Alpha version
Thank you for your attention Narcisse Mbunzama @mbunzama University of Kinshasa-DRCONGO Researcher at Nordic Group Tel: + 243 81 20 200 82 E-mail: