Mass of a Celestial Body Physics 20 Mass of a Celestial Body
Determining the mass of a Celestial Body For any satellite in orbit around a planet, you can determine its speed if you know the mass of that planet. But, how do you determine the mass? Fc = Fg according to Newton so … 4π2mmoonr = GmmoonmEarth Solve for mEarth T2 r2 This is not restricted to the Earth-moon system. It will work for any celestial body that has satellites Knowing this calculate the mass of earth.
Orbital Perturbations Irregularity or disturbance in the predicted orbit of a planet Was essential in discovering the planets in our outer solar system and now discovering other planets orbiting other suns Uranus had an orbital perturbation and because of this Neptune was found.
Assignment Reading: Questions: Pearson Physics Pgs 280 – 286 Pearson PhysicsPg 286 text - #13 SNAP Pg282 #’s 6, 9
Hand In assignment Decision Making Analysis 5-5 (Pg 284) Groups of two Use info from pages 284 – 286 Find info on the web Sites to try – NASA - Canadian space program (CSA) Groups of two Part of your assignment and lab mark