English 9 2018-2019 Grades Ways to communicate with your teacher Mrs. Simpson Ways to communicate with your teacher A Day Sign up B Day Sign up by texting @afkk5 to 81010 Or email rmd.at/afkk5 by texting @dc88a3 to 81010 Remind Text Message Alerts A-108 before or after school – appt. preferred simpsonc@luhsd.net Teacher web site on Heritage home page Policies Class Materials *All backpacks, purses, and bags must be placed on the back counter. * Make sure to have out ALL class materials before placing backpack on counter. *All electronic devices must be on silent and put away in backpack. Use during class is by teacher permission only. Any other use will result in confiscated device. *Only water is allowed out in the classroom. All other food or drink out during class is prohibited. English section in binder with 2 tabs: textbook unit; English work Blue/black pens, pencil, binder paper ____ _____ Gel highlighters, colored pencils, or crayons to mark text _____ Planner Grades Procedures Essays and projects have the highest values and make up the largest portion of your grade. Homework & classwork must be done on time to pass the course. Points are unweighted. * To avoid a tardy: Students must be in classroom when bell rings, and students must be seated, with all required materials, working on Do Now ONE MINUTE after bell rings. *Homework is typically due at the beginning of class. Work not submitted when teacher collects assignment will be considered late. *Students will receive 4 passes per semester to visit the restroom or get a drink of water. These are not replaced if lost. Students must be sure to sign in and out on clipboard and take restroom badge with them when they leave the classroom. Homework & classwork Essays Projects Tests/Quizzes Participation . Grades can be accessed through the online gradebook on Parent Portal.
Cheating and Plagiarism Behavior and Consequences Late Work Policy Absent Work Policy Students have as many days as they were absent from class to make up missing work. Students are responsible for following class procedures to find out what work was missed and turn it in by appropriate deadlines. Students must turn in work that was due on day of absence upon return from absence. Long-term projects, presentations, essays: Due dates are not changed based on student absence. Assignments are late if they are turned in after assignment is collected. Students will receive 2 late-work passes per semester for daily homework. One additional class period is granted without penalty. These may not be used on essays, group projects, or presentations. These large assignments MAY be turned in late with penalties. Teacher permission required. ____________________________________ ________________________________________ English 9 Texts Technology Students will read a variety of texts from the Springboard textbook and outside sources, along with the following: Play: Romeo and Juliet Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird I incorporate a variety of online tools in the classroom. Students are required to have an e-mail account and accounts for Remind, Turn It In, and Quizlet. If online access is not available at home, students must see me for help to make arrangements to gain access. Students are required to type and print assignments. Students need to make sure their equipment is working or make other arrangements to be able to complete the work. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Cheating and Plagiarism ______________________________________ Submitting any work that is not 100% your own is cheating! ZERO TOLERANCE! Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: plagiarizing work – even in PART, using internet sources inappropriately, copying someone’s work in part or in whole or allowing someone to copy yours, looking at another student's paper during a test/quiz, using unauthorized materials during test, turning in work that is not the student's own work/thinking, working with other students so that the work is substantially similar in thought or sentence structure. Behavior and Consequences Our time is very limited. Any behavior that disrupts the instructor’s ability to teach and facilitate learning, assist other students, or affects a student’s ability to learn or ask for help will not be tolerated. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, sleeping, sitting inactive, off-task conversations, use of electronic devices, arguing or backtalk with any adult, bullying, insults, name calling, and any other behavior that is not productive or conducive to the class goals. Students will be given a chance to correct behavior. If it continues, they will be dismissed from class and progressive discipline policy will be followed. ZERO TOLERANCE NO WARNINGS. Students caught cheating in any form will receive a zero on the assignment and a referral and call to parents.