Teleconferencing Benefits of Teleconferencing: Good day to all of you. Greetings from Colombo Sri Lanka (07/08/2008). Dr. Jayantha Ariyaratne MS, FRCS, Head Department of Surgery, University of Keleniya, Sri Lanka. Many thanks to Prof. Suji Simuzu, Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan. Benefits of Teleconferencing: Concept in globalization and of the global village. Transmitting and sharing knowledge and information across the globe. The medical field where development moves forward in strides. Sharing the knowledge base. Clinical decision making where a rural centre is linked to a leading centre. Exchange of instructions on clinical matters. Real time transmission of meetings and procedures.
Sri Lankan Situation Positive Aspects: Negative Aspects: Faculty of Medicine University of Keleniya is a hub of research activity of international reputation. The Department of Surgery has the expertise in colorectal, breast, thyroid, urological, hepatobiliary and trauma surgical experience which can be shared. Pioneer experience in pelvic flow reconstruction and newer technique for management of rectal prolapse. Negative Aspects: Teleconferencing in its infancy. Limited experience. Lack of infrastructure. Insufficient band width in telephone lines. Expensive equipment. Imperfect technical support.
Our links and affiliations Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India. Islamic University, Malaysia. Charles Gardiner Hospital, Australia. Our vision To establish a leading centre of teleconferencing in the University of Keleniya. Our mission Seeking technical assistance and financial support and striving hard to make the best use of the facilities already exciting in Sri Lanka.
Thank You Very Much Dr. Jayantha Ariyaratne MS, FRCS, Faculty of Medicine University of Keleniya, Sri Lanka