Annemarie Wintle-Gregory Pupils perceptions of Geographical study in an English secondary school Annemarie Wintle-Gregory
Context of study History of a high uptake of pupils at GCSE and A level. New progress measures. ‘Bridging year’ - Restructure of KS3. Passive attitudes displayed in lessons. (Particularly Y11)
Research Questions What do pupils think the study of Geography is about? What do pupils like and dislike about Geographical study? What do pupils perceive as being the most and least valuable aspects of Geographical study? How do pupils think that Geographical study links to their future employment goals?
Methodology Questionnaire Discussions with colleagues Google form Y7 to Y13 Methodology Discussions with colleagues Focus group interviews Y8, Y9 and Y10
Results I was quite surprised to have 83.1% of pupils saying they liked the subject overall in my school. The year group that enjoys Geography the most is Year 9, who had 94.3% of the pupils saying they enjoyed Geography. In the younger years pupils prefer Geographical study that is more palpable and tangible and content that has particular answers. However Year 7 only 68.2% enjoy the subject and Year 10 where a 69.6% of pupils. Pupils within my school feel as though technological advancements reduce their need and therefore necessity to study basic geographical skills such as map reading and are therefore disengaged with it.