Welcome to HOUSING CONNECTIONS TRAINING 03 Supplementals BC Housing June 2008
Agenda Supplemental Summary Supplemental Detail Create New Supplemental Update Supplemental
Supplementals Panel Summary The Supplementals panel displays a list of existing supplementals. Select the Type link to view the supplemental details. Click on a supplemental Type link to view it. The panel displays whether the supplemental was received by BC Housing and whether it has been validated yet. Invalid supplementals will be greyed out. You can validate or invalidate a supplemental on this panel. Only BC Housing Supervisors can delete a supplemental.
Supplementals Panel Detail The Supplemental Detail panel will give a summary of the information. Click on a supplemental to view it.
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 1 To create a supplemental, select Add Supplemental. Supplemental type(s) will determine which panels will be displayed. ** When receiving new supplemental information, be sure to CREATE A NEW SUPPLEMENTAL ** Do not add additional information to an existing supplemental unless it is coming from the same physical paper. ** SEPARATE SUPPLEMENTALS INTO ANOTHER SLIDESHOW **
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 2 Step 2 is a summary of the applicant contact information.
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 3 Current living situation.
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 B. Homelessness – Main Panel For clarity, panels for B, C, and D are being shown separately. However, if more than one is selected in Step 1, the appropriate sections will be displayed together on one panel.
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 B. Homelessness – Reason stable housing ended
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 B. Homelessness – Barriers for stable housing
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 C. Fleeing Abuse – Main Panel
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 C. Fleeing Abuse – Steps taken to leave abuser
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 D. Health – Main Panel You can manually specify Health Points on this panel (field is hard to find)
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 D. Health – Health Consequences
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 4 D. Health – Special Housing Requirements/Features
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental – Step 5 E. Verifier’s Information Supplemental will not be valid if verifier’s signature is missing. Click Finish when done.
Supplementals Panel Create New Supplemental Once you finish entering the supplemental, a dialog box will remind you to forward the documentation to BC Housing. Click OK to navigate to the Supplementals Summary panel.
Supplementals Panel Summary Verify that your newly-entered supplemental exists on the Summary panel.
Supplementals Panel Update Supplemental To update a supplemental, select the “Update Supplemental Info” link on the Supplemental Detail panel. The same dialogs as “Create New Supplemental” will be displayed – the only difference is that they will be populated with the information previously entered.