WSGPEA South Area Meeting Monday 7th Sept 2015
Welcome My name is Coralie Gregory teacher of PE at Shoreham Academy. I have been there for 13 years now and am currently the chair for the area. Now its your turn!!!! Please complete/ check the contact details sheet so that it is up-to-date for Nathalie who is updating the website.
Structure of Meetings First meeting of the year = ALL staff from ALL schools Following meetings = maximum of two staff per school END OF YEAR = have an end of year get together with ALL staff from ALL schools (BBQ, Team building exercise, social)
Area Roles We have a sub-committee who have taken on certain roles to help organise sport & PE within the area: Chairperson Coralie Gregory Vice Chair Claire Power Secretary Robyn Hornby Fixture Secretary Davisons Treasurer Sarah Wolfenden Trophies/ Medals Co-ordinator CPD Nicola Hammersley Website Administrator Natalie Hathaway
Responsibilities Each school has been allocated a sport/ activity to take responsibility for. They will obtain entries and organise leagues/ tournaments. SPORT Year 7 U14 U16 FOOTBALL TLA Angmering NETBALL Steyning Towers BASKETBALL SA SRWA ROUNDERS Chatsmore Davison BADMINTON GYMNASTICS ATHLETICS School Games DISTRICT – Angmering NOVICES – Steyning INVITATION - TLA
Competition Structure ALL leagues will take place at the same times/days unless both schools playing are happy to do a different night There will be more pools (3 instead of 2) This would mean more schools can get to the finals Schools will play closer to home Games will be 40 minutes (or a time agreed by teachers) Schools will organise matches in own time To prevent any school heavily defeated a goal difference will be set and the game finishes. Schools can then continue by mixing up or continuing as a friendly/ coaching session. Pools would be:
Fixture Pools Pool A Pool B Pool C Towers SRWA Steyning Shoreham Rydon Angmering TLA Chatsmore Durrington Davison Worthing Sion Bohunt
Calendar Please have a look through the calendar and check you are still OK with dates, etc Missing – U14 Football Tournament X-Country date
Finance Schools subs need paying Money in pot What to claim for….
CPD Ideas for CPD opportunities
AOB/ Fixtures Any other business? Time to organise fixtures with other schools