Liturgy and Sacraments Church Liturgy and Sacraments Eg.Prep- Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The Church has important ways of praying together through celebrations and rituals, marking special times in the life of believers (e.g. Baptism, Eucharist) and in the Church year (the liturgical seasons). Skills Identify celebrations and rituals that mark special times in the life of the Church community (e.g. Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Christmas, Easter) and in the Church year (e.g. Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary Time, Advent and Christmas). Religious Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane, 2013.
Exploring Content and skills in the liturgy and sacraments sub-strand
Sacraments, scripture and the Religion curriculum
Sacraments, The Achievement Standards and the Religion curriculum
Prep Year Level Description They observe ways in which believers pray together during special celebrations and rituals that mark important times in the life of believers and in the Church year. Achievement Standard They describe ways in which believers pray together during special celebrations and rituals that mark important times in the life of believers and in the Church year.
Year One Year Level Description They explore the words, actions and symbols used in the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist to communicate God’s presence and action. They learn about the different roles in the local parish community Achievement Standard They identify words, actions and symbols used in the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist to communicate God’s presence and action.
Year Two Year Level Description They develop their understanding of the loving relationship God unconditionally offers to people; and their understanding of sin, as evident in the free choices that harm the individual and their loving relationships with God, with others and with all creation. They explore ways in which believers seek to heal these relationships through reconciliation and prayer. They investigate ways in which believers celebrate reconciliation with God and with others in the Sacrament of Penance. Achievement Standard They make connections between Jesus’ healing ministry and the Church community’s celebration of the Sacrament of Penance.
Year Three Year Level Description They learn about the significance of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) for the Church community. Achievement Standard They explain ways in which the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) welcome and strengthen members of the Church community.
Year Four Year 4 Level Description They broaden their understanding of the significance of the Sacraments for Church communities through an exploration of the Sacraments of Healing, including Anointing of the Sick and Penance. Year 4 Achievement Standard They demonstrate an understanding of how the celebrations of Anointing of the Sick and Penance continue Jesus’ mission and ministry in the life of the community.
Year Five Year Level Description Achievement Standard They learn about the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers as they engage with a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Rite of Confirmation. Achievement Standard Students explain the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. They analyse information from a variety of texts including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the words, symbols and actions of the Catholic Rite of Confirmation.
Year Six Year Level Description Achievement Standard They develop their understanding of the role of celebrations in the faith life of believers, including the commemoration of High Holy Days by Jewish believers and the Church’s liturgical celebrations (including the Eucharist). Achievement Standard They identify and describe many ways in which faith is celebrated in the lives of believers, past and present, including the commemoration of High Holy Days by Jewish believers; the Church’s liturgical year and the celebration of Eucharist
Year Seven Year Level Description Achievement Standard Students examine ways in which believers nurture their spiritual life through prayer, ritual, the sacraments and sacred texts. Achievement Standard Students evaluate and draw conclusions about the significance of prayer, ritual, sacraments and sacred texts for the faith journey of believers, personally and communally.
Year Eight Year Level Description Achievement Standard They learn about the significance of initiation rituals in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) for the faith journey of believers. Achievement Standard They identify the significance of initiation rituals in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) for the faith journey of believers.
Year Nine Year Level Description They consider sources of inspiration, strength and guidance for believers today, including Catholic social teaching, the three forms of penance (prayer, fasting and almsgiving), Scripture, celebration of the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and Anointing of the Sick), and personal and communal prayer experiences. Achievement Standard They evaluate and draw conclusions about the three forms of penance (prayer, fasting and almsgiving) and the celebration of the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and Anointing of the Sick), in the lives of believers past and present.
Year Ten Year Level Description They examine the Eucharist as the primary and indispensable source of nourishment for the spiritual life of believers, who carry on Jesus’ mission in the world. Achievement Standard Students consider the significance of various sources that nourish the spiritual life of believers including; the Eucharist, the Peace Prayer of St Francis, The Magnificat, the Canticle of Creation, contemplative prayer, centering prayer and meditative prayer including Lectio of Nature and individual and communal prayer for justice, peace and the environment.
Years Eleven and Twelve Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Christian rituals embody beliefs that are expressed in structured actions or codified norms/rites. In the Catholic Church, the Sacraments of Commitment (Marriage and Holy Orders) give expression to the creative love of God, and call believers to a Genuine relationship, service of others, and building up of the Christian community. For Christians, marriage is a covenant expressed as an intimate partnership of life and love between man and woman, intended by God in creation. Christian marriage presumes Genuine freedom and understanding by both persons. In major Christian churches, the call to a ministry of word, liturgical and community leadership is ritualised through a variety of ceremonies and rites (e.g. ordination, endorsement and election). In the Catholic Church, through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, bishops, priests and deacons are ordained to make Christ’s priesthood present through their service and leadership of God’s people. Christian funerals express solidarity of the living and the dead (Communion of Saints). They combine prayer for the forgiveness of sin and for a merciful judgement; hope in resurrection; and gratitude for the blessings that came to others through the life of the deceased person. Skills Analyse some Christian rituals (e.g. Marriage, Holy Orders, funerals) using models of ritual analysis, to draw conclusions about the beliefs being expressed, and how they meet the spiritual and emotional needs of believers. CHLS16
Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Christians believe they are called through Baptism (Latin vocátió - ‘calling’) to use their gifts in their profession, family life, Church and civic commitments in the service of God and for the sake of the greater common good. In the Christian tradition, the response to this call (one’s vocation) involves choosing from the following four main states of life: that of a single person; a married person; a celibate member of a religious congregation (sister, brother, priest); an ordained minister (e.g. priest, deacon). For Catholic Christians, Sacraments of Commitment (Marriage and Holy Orders) are particular expressions of vocation and discipleship. Christians believe the Holy Spirit empowers them to live out Christ’s mission in the world. CHPG12 Skills Investigate how and why Christians (individuals or groups, past or present) have used their gifts in the service of God and for the sake of the common good (e.g. social, political or ethical reform; defence of human rights; action for social justice; ecological stewardship).
Summary Baptism- Prep, Yr 1, Yr 3, Yr 7, Yr 8 Confirmation- Yr 3, Yr 5, Yr 7 Eucharist- Prep, Yr 1, Yr 3, Yr 6, Yr 7, Yr 10 Reconciliation/Penance- Prep, Yr 2, Yr 7, Yr 9 Anointing of the Sick- Yr 4, Yr 7, Yr 9 Holy Orders- Yr 7, Yrs 11/12 Marriage- Yr 7, Yrs 11/12