WELL-BEING We will be thinking about living in the wider world. This will include discussions about truthfulness and honesty, having the courage to speak up, embracing our differences and respecting the rights of others. We will end by considering how to keep ourselves and others safe. ENGLISH We are going to find out about and write about ancient Egypt, its people and its way of life. We will pretend to be living in Ancient Egypt and write a daily diary. We will also become reporters and write a newspaper article about life in the past. We will try to build a pyramid and think carefully about the instructions needed to complete this task. Humanities We will develop our mapwork skills by looking at world maps and comparing England with Egypt. We will plot the positions og the great pyramids and the River Nile. We will compare life in Ancient Egypt with living in Lincolnshire today. We will examine photographs, paintings and artifacts as we search for clues about the past. Voyager Class We are exploring the culture of Ancient Egypt. What was it like to live so long ago? How did people farm? What clothes did the Ancient Egyptians wear? How did people travel? We will naturally be investigating the role of the pyramids, why were they built? And how were they built? Tutankhamun will help us to understand the life of a pharoah. Finally we will compare life in Ancient Egypt to life in Egypt today. This should be an exciting and colourful topic!! SCIENCE As Scientists we will classify and explore the properties of materials, including rocks and fossils. We will find out about magnetism and think about how the pyramids were constructed as we investigate forces including pushes and pulls. CREATIVE We will take inspiration from the colours and animals reflected in Egyptian art and try our hand at making clay models, building pyramids and making papyrus paper. MATHS We will continue to develop maths skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, place value, fractions, shapes including right angles and problem solving. KEY DATES Pop up museum- TBA TECHNOLOGY We are developing our computer skills through thinking about communication both off and on line. We will work on improving our mouse and keyboard skills.