Santa Rosa County Quarters 1-3 of 2010 – 2011 Grant Year
Contract Requirements Contract Requires: 130 students Total Youth Served: 132 Total In-School Youth Served: 105 Total Out-of-School Youth Served: 27
Percentages Total Youth Served: 132/130 = 101% In-School: 105/132 = 80% Out-of-School: 27/132 = 20%
Younger Youth Goal Attainment Rate All youth must attain 1 goal by anniversary date. 14/14 = 100%
Younger Youth Skill Attainment Rate 75% is required. 12/12 = 100%
Younger Youth Credential/Diploma Rate 50% is required. 6/6 = 100%
Younger Youth Positive Outcome Rate Defined by WIA (Exiters entering into post secondary education, advanced training, apprenticeships, military service, unsubsidized employment) 80% is required 10/11 = 90%
Older Youth Credential/Diploma Rate 40% is required. 1/1 = 100%
Older Youth Positive Outcome Rate Defined by WIA (Exiters entering into post-secondary education, advanced training, apprenticeships, military service, unsubsidized employment) 80% is required. 1/2 = 50%
Overview of
Success Story Cody Nelson Cody is an in-school, younger youth who was a basic skills deficient student enrolled in a GED Program in Santa Rosa County when he was referred to us for WIA application. Since enrolling in WIA, Cody has earned his GED, enrolled as a full-time student in Locklin Techs Building and Construction Technology Class, and is working for Southern Management through the WIA Grant.
Youth Works In conjunction with Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce And Workforce Escarosa 3 Field Trips this year: Santa Rosa County Jail Santa Rosa Medical Center & LifeGuard Whiting Field Santa Rosa County Jail Tour