Français 2, 6 mars 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 119. Faites le 9.


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Presentation transcript:

Français 2, 6 mars 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 119. Faites le 9. What do you get when you cross a skin doctor and an elephant? Faire mal – to hurt. Oui, ça fait très mal. Yes, it hurts a lot. Goals – Keep working with reflexive verbs. Review and use “adverbs of frequency.” Les Devoirs –A la page 119, Faites le 10.

Français 2, 7 mars 2017 Business Week. David does Reflexive verb make up. How can you tell an English teacher has been using the computer? Se tirer d’affaire – to get out of trouble. Comment va-t-on se tirer d’affaire? How are we going to get out of trouble? Goals – Business week. Reflexive verbs. Les Devoirs – None.

Français 2, 8 mars 2017 Business Week. David does Reflexive verb make up. Why don’t blind people sky dive? Rouler – to drive. J’ai roulé toute la nuit. I drove all night. Goals – Business week. Reflexive verbs. Les Devoirs – none.

Français 2, 9 mars 2017 Business Week. David does Reflexive verb make up. What did the rug say to the floor? Fraîche – wet or fresh. Peinture fraîche! Wet paint! Goals – Business week. Reflexive verbs. Les Devoirs - none.

Français 2, 10 mars 2017 Business Week. David does Reflexive verb make up. What is the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead English teacher in the road? Promettre – to promise. Je te le promets. I promise it to you. Goals – Business Week. Reflexive verbs. Devoirs – pas.