Adjectives Adjectives add description and other kinds of information to two other parts of speech. Definition: An adjective is used to describe a noun or a pronoun.
Examples: Serious judges Sleek jets Violet eyes, Tall Majestic oats
Assignment: Exercise 1 on Pg. 349. (Even numbers only)
Articles Three commonly used adjectives are called articles--- the, a, and an. These three words are adjectives because they come before nouns and answer the question Which one? Because of the way it modifies nouns, the is called the definite article.
Articles The, the definite articles, refer to a specific person, place, or thing. Examples: The court The attorney The broken law A or an, the indefinite articles, refer to any one of a class of people, places, or things. Examples: A court An attorney A broken law
A or An?? A is used before consonant sounds. An is used before vowel sounds. Hint the letter “H” a consonant, may be sounds like either a consonant or a vowel. O and u are vowels, but they may sometimes sound like consonants.
Assignment Exercise 2 on Pg. 350
Nouns are sometimes used as adjectives Nouns are sometimes used as adjectives. When a noun is used as an adjective, it comes before another noun and answer the questions What kind? or which one?
Nouns used as Adjectives Nouns: court, morning Adjectives: a court date, a morning appointment
Pg. 351 Exercise 3. (Odd Numbers ONLY) Assignment: Pg. 351 Exercise 3. (Odd Numbers ONLY)
Proper Adjective A proper adjective can be a proper noun used as an adjective. A proper adjective can also be a an adjective formed from a proper noun.
Proper Nouns Used as Proper Adjectives Arizona Tuesday Churchill Arizona desert (What kind of desert?) Tuesday morning (Which morning) Churchill memorial (Which memorial?)
Proper Adjectives Formed from Proper Nouns Elizabethan Boston Proper Adjectives Formed from Proper Nouns Elizabethan literature (What kind of literature) Bostonian architecture (What kind of architecture?)
Assignment: Pg. 352 Exercise 4.
Pronouns Used as Adjectives Pronouns, like nouns, can sometimes be used as adjectives. A pronoun is used as an adjective if it modifies a noun. Four kinds of adjectives are sometimes used as adjectives. They are: Personal pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Interrogative pronouns Indefinite pronouns
Possessive Adjectives Examples: my, your, his, her, its, our, and their Because they have antecedents, they are considered to be pronouns. They are also adjectives, because they answer the question which one?
Assignment: Pg. 355 Exercise 7.
Demonstrative Adjectives The four demonstrative pronouns-this, that these, and those– can be used as demonstrative adjectives. Pronoun: I saw this. I’ll vote on this issue.
Interrogative Adjectives The three interrogative pronouns– which, what, and whose– can be used as interrogative adjectives. Pronoun: What did he want? Adjective: What sentence did he give?
Indefinite Adjectives A number of indefinite pronouns-- both, few, many, each, most, and all, among others– can also be used as indefinite adjectives. Pronoun: I bought one of each. Adjective: Each judge writes an opinion.
Assignment Pages 356-357, Exercises 8-10.