Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade! Today is Tuesday November 6, 2018 Day 4 Aujourd’hui c’est mardi le 6 Novembre, 2018. Jour 4
Please stand for the playing of O’Canada S’il vous plaît, levez-vous pour l’hymne nationale
Land Acknowledgement Statement Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg people. We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Métis and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect.
Land Acknowledgement Statement Le conseil scolaire Simcoe County reconnaît que nous sommes situés sur la terre traditionnelle du peuple Anishinaabeg. Nous reconnaissons la présence durable des peuples de Premières Nations, de Métis et d’Inuits sur cette terre et nous sommes dévoués à avancer dans l’esprit de la réconciliation et du respect.
Happy birthday today to... Bonne fête aujourd’hui à... I’m a 51 second video clip of fun! Over the weeknd:
* Wellness Break - Grades 5 to 8 students are welcome to come to the library for 2nd recess to have some QUIET down time. The Wellness Break will allow you to settle into a quiet corner in the library to read a book, do some drawing or some quiet, independent activity. No talking, chatting, doing homework, or technology allowed.
Character Ed Committee Applications If you want to be part of our Worsley Character Ed. Committee then LISTEN UP!! Details, When: Thursday Nov. 8th 2018 DAY 1 Where: The best place in the school ‘The Library’ Time: 10:40-11:20 (bring your lunch) What: using the nutrition/fitness break to fill out Character Committee Application BRING A WRITING UTENSIL!!!! Any questions talk to Mrs. Steeves or Mrs. Liotta
The Gym The gym will be CLOSED Thursday after 2nd Nutrition Break ( Remembrance Day Assembly set up ) Please have any art work to Ms Venus by Thursday :)
All of the sub baskets were returned WOW All of the sub baskets were returned from last week!! Hurrah and thank you
Junior Girls Basketball Yesterday the junior girls basketball team played in their tournament at CCI. The team played very well, winning several games and representing the school well. Congratulations to all of the girls on a very fun and successful season.
Intermediate Boys Volleyball team We will be practicing tomorrow morning at 8 am sharp. See you there boys.
Have a Terrific Tuesday! (for Mr. Evans and Ms. Dunbar) That’s all the announcements for today, Have a Terrific Tuesday! (for Mr. Evans and Ms. Dunbar)