Flowers for Algenon Vocabulary
Flowers for Algernon - Vocabulary refute – (verb) to prove wrong using evidence Charlie used his research to refute the work of Drs. Nemur and Strauss. invariably – (adv.) always Charlie’s co-workers invariably laughed at his mistakes regression – (noun) return to an earlier or less advanced condition. After his regression the mouse no longer could find his way through the maze. verified – (verb) confirmed Charlie wanted the results of his research verified by other scientists obscure – (verb) hide Charlie wanted to obscure the fact that he was losing his intelligence. deterioration – (noun used as an adj.) worsening, decline Because of his mental deterioration, Charlie could no longer read German. hypothesis (noun) theory to be proved The doctor’s hypothesis was that they could improve intelligence through surgery. introspective – (adj.) looking inward, thoughtful Charlie kept an introspective journal of his thoughts and feelings.